Racism in West Virginia: has it changed much in 62 years?
Elgin Baylor and West Virginia
Legendary basketball player Elgin Baylor died on Monday. Not mentioned in the Associated Press’ various articles about his career was an incident that occurred in Charleston, West Virginia on January 16, 1959. Here is how Mike Whiteford, citing Baylor, described it in 2019 in the Charleston Gazette-Mail . . .
Playing the role of the playground bully is David McKinley (WV – 1)
The congressman reprises his role from last year’s Fauci hearings
Remember last year when our local representative tried to intimidate Dr. Anthony Fauci in a congressional hearing only to have the doctor turn the tables and make the congressman look petty and foolish? (Not everyone agrees with my assessment: our local Republican propaganda outlet, The Wheeling Intelligencer, later told us in an editorial . . .
WV’s representatives vote against the Violence Against Women Act
Yesterday, the House of Representatives passed the Violence Against Women Act and as with the last vote on the bill in 2019, all three of West Virginia’s representatives voted against the legislation.
244-172: House votes to reauthorize and update the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), which expired two years ago. 29 Republicans joined . . .
Posted in: david mckinleynravawa
WV odds and ends
Statues, Nazis, Morrisey and Manchin
Republican legislation to save the memory of West Virginian traitors
From local delegate, Shawn Fluharty:
David Mistich at WV Public Broadcasting calls it the “Protect Racist Statues Act.”
Nazis in Parkersburg
Sighted at the Parkersburg Mall:
At the Parkersburg mall today. Names are Caden . . .
Posted in: joe manchinpatrick morriseyracism
Ogden Newspapers separate the important from the not-so-important
A look at today’s front pages
Obviously, only E is correct. (Note -- choice A did get some coverage on page 3 while B, C and D were ignored.)
That was too easy – as most local readers know, Ogden favorites always get front-page treatment regardless of the importance of other stories. (Notice that both Congressmen McKinley (WV) and Johnson (OH) also . . .
Posted in: ogden favoriteriley moore
There apparently is an inexhaustible supply of truth-challenged, far-right syndicated columnists
Today's Wheeling Intelligencer editorial page provided space for another one
Two months ago, I blogged about how the Wheeling Intelligencer’s editorial page was moving farther to the right and more divorced from reality with its syndicated columnists. That movement (or perhaps more precisely, descent) reached a new low today with the publication of a syndicated column by Wayne Allyn Root:
An Open Letter . . .
Posted in: ogden newspapersogden syndicated columnists
Of straw men and biased information: Local Ohio congressman Bill Johnson’s attempt to rebut the Ohio River Valley Institute’s fracking study
Yesterday’s Sunday Wheeling News-Register featured local congressman Bill Johnson’s rebuttal to last month’s critical fracking study by the Ohio River Valley Institute. In the op-ed, Johnson does two things: he refutes arguments never raised by the study and he questions whether we should trust the study as a source.