Who would have thunk it?
Consumers and environmentalists be damned: The WV Public Service Commission, with two* of its three members being former employees of the West Virginia Coal Association, votes to keep coal-fired power plants running past 2028
From WV News:
A TRIO OF coal-fired power plants will be able to remain in operation through at least 2040 under a new order issued by the state Public Service Commission Tuesday. Read about it here: https://t.co/UNz4HbQszM
— WV News (@WVNews247) October 12, 2021
WV Metro News noted the opposition:
Groups ranging . . .
Posted in: coalwest virginia state government
Attracting outsiders and WV's population decline
Can West Virginian bribe its way to a population reversal?
West Virginia continues to lose citizens (60,000 since 2010) and the loss will not just affect its tax base – WV will also lose political power as it gives up a House seat. What can be done? During the legislative session, Governor Justice and the legislature came up with a plan whereby the state will pay $12,000 to lure workers to the state. . . .
West Virginia continues to downplay the coronavirus risk as the numbers continue to climb (with 10/15 update)
But at least we have high school football!
Here are the most recent statistics on the spread of coronavirus in West Virginia:
The state's handling of the virus was discussed in last night's debate between Governor Jim Justice and his Democratic challenger, Ben Salango. Ogden's political reporter, Steven Allen Adams, described some of it:
. . .
Revisiting America's worst state for business
A look at a predictable editorial
This morning the Wheeling Intelligencer finally commented on last week’s CNBC analysis that ranked West Virginia as America’s worst state for business. The editorial, “Blame Game No Solution for W.Va.,” argues that instead of pointing fingers, as Governor Justice recently did in a press release, he should be providing “solutions or . . .
Still no budget
Of course, it's the Democrats' fault -- it's always their fault
From this morning's Intelligencer editorial on the state's budget problems:
Politics - with some in the Legislature's Democrat Party minority blocking reasonable action by Republicans - has made the budget-balancing process frustrating for all concerned, including taxpayers.
The Democrats are blocking . . .
Posted in: dumbest editorial awardintelligencer editorialrepublican legislaturewest virginia state government
Balancing the state budget?
Yet another editorial shifts blame away from the party in power
Remember when the Democrats controlled both houses of the state legislature? Back then, Mike Myer columns and editorials opposing what the legislature was doing or about to do always had "Democrat-controlled" or "Democrat-led" in front of "legislature." Now that the Republicans are in control, the adjectives have . . .
Posted in: michael myermike myernews-register editorialrepublican legislaturewest virginia state governmentwv legislaturewv taxes
WV Public Broadcasting interviews the newest member of the West Virginia Board of Education
From bad to worse? How our government and media fail West Virginians
Last July, state school board member Wade Linger suggested a state-backed teacher liability insurance plan which was a thinly-disguised effort to lessen the power of teacher unions. Prior to that, at the end of 2014, Linger tried to change the state science standards because they dealt with climate change.
At the request of a . . .