Time to cut spending: now that the rich got their tax cut, the Wheeling Intelligencer wants us to worry about the national debt
Not too predictable: this morning’s Intelligencer editorial wants us to rein-in spending
It’s been a while, but we now have editorial #3 on the national debt since the Republican tax cuts were passed last year. If you remember, our local “newspapers” couldn’t write enough great things about the tax cuts while they were being debated. . . .
The straw men are back
The locals defend the Republican tax plan
A majority of Americans disapprove of the Republican tax plan. Polling on the various plans has been relatively consistent and today's Monmouth Poll is yet another example:
Americans disapprove of the tax reform plan currently making its way through Congress by a nearly 2-to-1 margin. Half the public believe their own taxes . . .
Posted in: budget cuts to social programsrepublican tax reformwheeling intelligencer editorialwheeling news-register editorial
Today's AP article on the Republican tax plan must have been insufficiently pro-Trump
And so the Wheeling News-Register rewrote it
Here are the first two paragraphs of the Associated Press' story on the Republican tax package with the wording that was changed or dropped by the News-Register in bold:
Closing in on
the firstmajor legislative achievement of his term, President Donald Trump on Saturday defended the Republican tax cut as a good deal for the . . .
I'm sure it was just an accident
The News-Register drops a critical word from the first sentence of an Associated Press article on the Republican tax plan
The News-Register's page 1 version of the AP's first paragraph:
President Donald Trump on Wednesday will try to sell the American people on a Republican tax overhaul that his administration claims will generate a large part of $1.8 trillion in new revenue - a figure that a top Democratic lawmaker dismissed as "fake . . .
"There's been a mistake. Give me my money back!"
Robert Murray is not pleased with the Senate's tax plan
From The Sting (Hill 1973):
The problem
Robert Murray, CEO of Murray Energy, and his company made major campaign contributions to Donald Trump and the Republican Party last year. Open Secrets tells us:
(U)sing its corporate coffers and its PAC, Murray Energy donated a total of $1.5 million to . . .
Today we saw the first of what will be many local editorials about the national debt
Now I understand: the $1 trillion+ deficit increase in the Republican tax reform packages is a feature and not a bug
I should have seen this coming. When Republicans (and their defenders like our local “newspapers”) were asked about the huge deficits that would occur with the Republican tax reforms, they either pointed to how the cuts would pay for themselves (which economists said would not happen) or they ignored it as our local papers often did. (In . . .
Posted in: budget cuts to social programsmedicaidmedicarerepublican tax reformwheeling intelligencer editorial
A Media Matters study concluded that local broadcast news is doing a terrible job informing us about Republican tax reforms
No surprise -- the study found that Sinclair-owned stations (like local channel 9) are the worst
Yesterday, Media Matters published a study that examined the news content of twenty local television stations in five markets to see how well they were covering the Senate's tax reform bill. Their analysis:
found that key provisions of the tax bill put forth by Senate Republicans were all but omitted from local media . . .
Posted in: republican tax reformsinclair broadcasting