More disdain for its readers
Today’s Wheeling Intelligencer runs the same old Ohio editorial that it ran on March 7
I joked about it yesterday, but today’s paper runs yet another tired and meaningless Ohio editorial:
Improving Life Expectancy
This editorial appears to have originated in the Marietta Times five weeks ago:
Overcome life expectancy statistic; take care of yourself
If today's . . .
Editorials, Senator Capito, and West Virginia media
Updating some recent posts (Including a 9/17 update on an update)
After a one-day break, the Intelligencer’s recycling of old Ogden editorials continues
On Tuesday, I wrote about the Intelligencer’s increasing use of old editorials from other Ogden papers (mostly from Ohio). Yesterday, we were treated to an editorial that actually dealt with a contemporary local issue – masks in Ohio County . . .
Posted in: intelligencer editorialmike azingernewspapers on the cheapshelley moore capitowest virginia media
Republicans (and their news outlets) on Afghanistan, a woman’s right to choose, and masks
Yes, it's the usual Republican lack of self-disclosure and hypocrisy
The Wheeling Intelligencer
Wednesday's predictable editorial
Here's the editorial:
President’s Speech Emboldens Enemies
There’s no mention in the editorial of what the United States has gained from twenty years of war in Afghanistan – the editorial is only about blaming President Biden.
. . .Answer – what we usually find: a rectal thermometer reference, attacks on liberals, two Ohio editorials, and words from a columnist who tells us what God thinks
Question -- What can we find on today’s Wheeling Intelligencer editorial page?
Note – we are still having problems with RSS.
Cal Thomas channels Justice Alito on liberties
Syndicated columnist, Cal Thomas, begins his column, “Basic Liberties Being Eroded,” by discussing product warnings:
Everywhere one looks there are warning signs, from labels on cigarette packs warning that smoking . . .
Is this really a Wheeling “newspaper”?
Maybe it’s time to switch the quotation marks
Another day and two more irrelevant Ohio editorials for the readers of Ogden’s local West Virginia “newspapers”
The first of today's Wheeling Intelligencer editorials is about juvenile crime in Steubenville and Jefferson County, Ohio. Neither Wheeling nor West Virginia is mentioned in the editorial. (Steubenville is 29.4 miles . . .
Posted in: intelligencer editorialit's all obama's faultnewspapers on the cheapobamacarewest virginia health care
Obamacare to Trumpcare
From today's Intelligencer: a collection of half-truths, no truths, and disingenuousness (a typical Saturday opinion page)
The lead editorial implores the Republicans to keep fighting to replace Obamacare
Of course we learn (without evidence) in the editorial how Obamacare is universally hated, "choking" state budgets, and has all sorts of horror stories that everyone (including Democrats) have heard. That's what the editorial tells us but . . .
The Intelligencer returns to its old ways
The paper drops a critical paragraph from a front page AP story and publishes yet another editorial attacking the Clintons
More than just food stamps
This morning's paper carried a front page AP story about how Trump's upcoming budget would be unpopular with many people. The Intelligencer's headline made it appear that the cuts were just connected to the food stamp program:
. . .Cuts to Food Stamps Part of Budget Proposal