The Wheeling News-Register tells us that they report the news “accurately and fairly”
Yes, that’s the first thing that comes to mind when I think of our local Ogden “newspapers”
A month ago, it was the Wheeling Intelligencer. Today, it’s the News-Register’s turn for yet another self-praising editorial. From this morning’s editorial:
Some news outlets, in both traditional media and online platforms, practice what has been called “advocacy journalism.” That is, they guide their coverage in a manner . . .
Posted in: david mckinleyfair and balancedgreen new dealkendra fersheewheeling new-register editorial
The Wheeling "newspapers" have ignored Democrat Kendra Fershee's candidacy for six months
Apparently, that's not enough -- yesterday, a News-Register editorial trashed her ideas and impugned her motives
I think that it is fair to state that the Democratic candidate in the 1st Congressional District, Kendra Fershee, has largely been ignored by Wheeling's "newspapers." Last May, after she won the Democratic primary, she was questioned about some of her positions. This summer, she was mentioned when the Democratic headquarters . . .
Posted in: david mckinleykendra fersheewheeling news-register editorialworst editorial of the year award
Does the National Education Association actually care about education?
Earlier this month, that organization endorsed David McKinley over Kendra Fershee
Fershee's priorities and passions
One of the go-to sites to learn about candidates and what they stand for is Ballotpedia. As they do with challengers like Kendra Fershee, Republican David McKinley's Democratic opponent in West Virginia first congressional district, the site asked the candidate a number of questions about why . . .
“No credible group has ever said ‘we want to host a debate.’”
-- Republican District 1 Representative David McKinley on why there has not been a debate between the candidates
Why has there been no debates between our congressional candidates? As our Republican representative told the editor of the Daily Antheneum, "no credible group" has been willing to host a debate. Since he made that comment, WV Metro News talk show host Hoppy Kerchival and the Charleston Gazette-Mail have both volunteered. . . .
Posted in: david mckinleykendra fershee
Here’s another excellent newspaper report on the views of the candidates in WV’s First Congressional District
Of course, it’s not from an Ogden paper; it’s from the WVU student newspaper, The Daily Athenaeum
In August, I highlighted an excellent article in the Charleston Gazette-Mail that examined, with some depth, the views of Republican incumbent, David McKinley, and the Democratic challenger, Kendra Fershee. Of course, the G-M is not located in the First District, but it was still far superior to anything that has been published in our local . . .
West Virginians will see two senatorial debates
What about debates between congressional candidates – how about McKinley/Fershee?
Not likely
Reporter Jake Zuckerman examined the possibility of congressional debates in West Virginia on the front page of today’s Charleston Gazette-Mail and found a lack of interest by Republican candidates statewide. Here is what he said about WV’s 1st District:
In the 1st District, West Virginia University law . . .
Where is the "light and information" on our local congressional race?
Unfortunately, you won’t find any in the Wheeling Intelligencer
Light and information?
This coming Friday is the anniversary of the Wheeling Intelligencer’s founding and if the past is any prologue, we will get to read yet another editorial telling us what an incredible job the Intelligencer does in serving its readers. The editorial will most likely quote the paper’s founding philosophy:
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