Without a shred of evidence, Friday’s Wheeling Intelligencer and the News-Register both claim that the Democrats hijacked the November presidential election
The local Ogden papers continue their descent from “newspaper” to propaganda outlet for Donald Trump and the WV GOP
President Trump’s preoccupation isn’t the coronavirus, it’s the election. Obsessed with his loss, President Trump continues to claim that last month’s presidential election was rigged. His Twitter feed, for instance, ignores the pandemic to concentrate on the “rigged” election. Here, his source for evidence to prove his assertions . . .
Posted in: gretchen whitmerintelligencer propagandalaura hollisogden newspaper biastrump partywest virginia gopwheeling newspapers
Tone-deaf, tasteless, inappropriate, incendiary (I’ll stop there)
Friday afternoon's Wheeling News-Register carries another ugly anti-Whitmer political cartoon (#10 in the series) the day after a plot to kidnap her was broken-up by the FBI
As I suggested would happen in yesterday’s blog post, neither the morning Wheeling Intelligencer nor the afternoon News-Register carried what was the top story on last night’s network news reports and a front-page story on most national newspapers: the FBI’s thwarting of a kidnapping plot against Michigan’s governor, Gretchen Whitmer.
. . .Posted in: anti-clinton biasgretchen whitmerogden bias
The plot to kidnap Governor Whitmer and Trump’s “cure” that used fetal tissue
Both are breaking stories: Will we see either of these stories in an Ogden “newspaper”?
FBI thwarts Whitmer kidnapping plot
From The Washington Post:
The FBI revealed Thursday that it thwarted a plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, unsealing charges against six people who it said contemplated a violent overthrow of the government as state authorities charged seven more who they said wanted to . . .
Myer yesterday, Myer today
Our local editor on West Virginia’s spike in coronavirus cases
From today’s column, “Backsliding Into a Wave Of Death in West Virginia,” by local editor Mike Myer:
It appears some have decided the coronavirus scare is a plot to erode their personal liberties. If so, it’s a heckuva well-done one. The last time I looked, COVID-19 had killed more than 191,000 Americans.
The sky . . .
Reading the weekend Wheeling News-Register
More Ogden contributions to Capito’s and McKinley’s reelection campaign, another evidence-free column by the editor, and guess who is the target of the paper’s political cartoon
A 1400 word article (1/3 of which are direct quotes) toward Senator Capito’s re-election campaign
Ogden Newspaper political reporter, Steven Allen Adams, has written another article in Ogden's continuing efforts to re-elect West Virginia's incumbent Republican senator, Shelley Moore Capito. (See here for my discussion of the . . .
Posted in: alternative energydavid mckinleygretchen whitmermike myerpaula jean swearingenshelley moore capito
Whitmer again
Our local editor renews his attacks on “that woman from Michigan”*
I’ve noted a couple of times this year our local papers’ dislike of strong Democratic women. In March, as the coronavirus spread exponentially, our local Ogden papers singled out Michigan’s governor, Gretchen Whitmer, for special criticism. Since then, we’ve had two Mike Myer columns and at least six editorial cartoons with the governor as . . .
Here we go again!
More posturing from our local editor – this time on racism
Remembering Ogden’s Bransfield coverage
2019’s biggest local news story was the corruption and sexual scandals surrounding the former bishop of the Wheeling-Charleston diocese, Michael Bransfield. Despite being located in the same city as Bransfield, the Wheeling papers did no investigating of the bishop – that was left to an . . .