In October 2014, Ogden’s Wheeling newspapers editorially criticized President Obama four times in a span of just eight days for his handling of the Ebola outbreak
What have they said about President Trump's handling of the coronavirus?
Editorials criticizing Obama
From October 20, 2014:
In what may be the most irresponsible act of his tenure, President Barack Obama has appointed a political hack to lead the fight against Ebola. Thoughtful Americans of all political persuasions may conclude Obama is more worried about his reputation than about saving . . .
The Wheeling News-Register endorses McKinley. Why did they bother?
If your news source for local politics is an Ogden paper, you're probably unaware that he has a Democratic opponent
Does our local congressman have an opponent? Yes, David McKinley does have an opponent, Natalie Cline, although local readers would be hard pressed to find much evidence of her candidacy in an Ogden “newspaper.” In June, our local papers noted that Cline won the Democratic primary and would face McKinley for District 1’s House seat in . . .
Nothing to see here
Transparency? What's that?
At the top of page 4 of this morning’s Wheeling Intelligencer is this headline:
Fort Henry Restoration Awarded $1.2M Federal Loan
The article, a rewrite of a Manchin/Capito joint press release, begins:
U.S. Senators Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., and Joe Manchin D-W.Va., members of the Senate . . .
Posted in: david mckinleyogden favorite
Get ready, Wheeling!
There was a Riley Moore sighting in Wheeling earlier today which means a front-page placement in Friday's and/or Saturday's paper
Yes, Riley Moore, grandson of former West Virginia governor and convicted felon, Arch Moore, and nephew of West Virginia senator and major Trump supporter, Shelley Moore Capito was in Wheeling today to promote his candidacy for state treasurer. Given his status as Ogden favorite and the number of local Ogden articles that have already . . .
Posted in: ogden favoriteriley moore
No surprise here: Senator Shelley Moore Capito visits Oglebay Park and gets two-days-worth of front-page Ogden coverage
Up for re-election, West Virginia’s Republican senator gets added to an article about Oglebay’s finances and then gets a free pass on unemployment benefits/stimulus package legislation
Monday’s article by staff writer Joselyn King is titled
Sen. Shelley Moore-Capito Checks In On PPP Spending at Oglebay
Despite the article’s title, most of the article is about the financial condition of the park; the material on the Capito visit looks like it was a late add-on to give Capito some additional . . .
In case you missed it: Monday was the Wheeling Intelligencer’s annual self-congratulatory editorial day
Don't they realize how self-serving this is?
We see these editorials a couple of times a year. Two are definite: one in August on the Intelligencer's birthday and one next month for the News-Register's. (Addditionally, there are usually one or two self-congratulatory pieces during the rest of the year.) They all say the same thing about putting reader's first, . . .
Yes, it’s time for another Ogden article/editorial praising Senator Capito
In today’s editorial, the Wheeling News-Register criticizes members of Congress who are “more interested in scoring partisan points than in serving all Americans.” The editorial then praises West Virginia’s two senators, Democrat Joe Manchin and Republican Shelley Moore Capito because they “worry about people first, politics second.”
. . .