In October 2014, Ogden’s Wheeling newspapers editorially criticized President Obama four times in a span of just eight days for his handling of the Ebola outbreak
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Editorials criticizing Obama
From October 20, 2014:
In what may be the most irresponsible act of his tenure, President Barack Obama has appointed a political hack to lead the fight against Ebola. Thoughtful Americans of all political persuasions may conclude Obama is more worried about his reputation than about saving lives.
From October 21, 2014:
So now, Obama has put a political spin-master in charge of the effort to contain Ebola – and is having another dishonest political hack oversee him.
Obama has become desperate to gain Americans’ trust – but seems unable to recognize actions such as those regarding Ebola are the reason why he lost it in the first place.
Also from a different editorial on October 21, 2014:
That is why errors made by federal agencies reacting to the outbreak are so distressing. Some, including President Barack Obama, seem more worried about the political fallout than about public health.
From October 28, 2014:
A disease that kills roughly half the people who contract it is nothing with which to trifle – or to use as a political football.
Yet President Barack Obama – who took an oath that his first priority would be protecting Americans – is dealing with Ebola as he might with a dispute in Congress over funding for a government agency. In effect, he has abdicated responsibility for safeguarding Americans, leaving that up to local and state leaders.
The Ebola outbreak killed two Americans. The corona death toll currently stands at 210,000. As of today, Wheeling’s newspapers have not written one word of criticism of Trump or his administration’s handling of the coronavirus epidemic.