To the Wheeling News-Register’s credit, at least they changed the number of years
Too lazy to write a new editorial, the Wheeling News-Register celebrates its birthday by recycling an editorial it ran two years ago today
“Newspapers on the cheap” has reached a new low. Without acknowledging that it had done so, today’s News-Register ran the same editorial it did on September 22, 2019.* (In fairness to Ogden, there were two differences; today’s editorial twice updated the age of the newspaper.)
Our local Ogden newspapers do something that I’ve never . . .
Posted in: newspapers on the cheapogden newspaperswheeling news-registerwheeling news-register editorial
Looking for news
Local coffee drinkers, building the Mexican wall, an Alabama candidate, and the coronavirus
Perhaps not as big as "seniors meeting for coffee," here are a couple of news stories that I found interesting in my travels around the Web.
Mexico is paying for the wall (that's Trump's story, and he's sticking with it.)
From yesterday’s Trump rally:
President Trump: "Mexico is paying for . . .
“Who are you going to believe? Me, or your lying eyes?” On coronavirus, a Wheeling News-Register columnist tells us “The nation’s doing pretty well.”
Really? Compared to what? The paper agrees and won’t let recent statistics ruin an article that affirms its biases – and so it edits out the author’s numbers
Today, the afternoon Wheeling News-Register published an article by syndicated columnist Betsy McCaughey on its editorial page:
Pay Attention to Facts, Not Hype About the COVID-19 Epidemic
The column is yet another in a long line of Ogden articles that argues for downplaying the virus and putting America back to . . .
Posted in: coronaviruswheeling news-register
Reading the new and improved Sunday News-Register's "Region" section
On Saturday, no less!
Despite Ogden’s promise to keep or enlarge the paper, this section (formerly the opinion section) has cut back on opinion and added more “news” reports. The editorial page still features its right-wing syndicated columnists – in this case, Pat Buchanan and Kathleen Parker, but that is a reduction from the usual four or five that . . .
Posted in: 2020 presidential electiongretchen whitmermichael myernewspapers on the cheapwheeling news-register
More Ogden lies about Michigan’s Governor Whitmer
This one has scary implications
Three weeks ago, our local Ogden “newspaper” editor, claimed that Michigan’s Gretchen Whitmer had significantly restricted the civil liberties of her constituents. Of course, if you checked out his claims, none were true. (See here.) Today, there is more of the same in the Wheeling News-Register editorial cartoon:
Let’s . . .
Today’s Wheeling News-Register: little news, some filler, mostly ads and another questions-with-no-answers Myer column
Perhaps it is time for our local paper to follow Ogden’s Parkersburg paper and get rid of the published Sunday edition?
Only five stories in the entire “news” section
The front page had four of them. Colin McGuire, a reporter from another Ogden paper in Frederick (MD), compiled a report from a couple of Ogden reporters on how residents were adapting to stay-at-home orders. The article contains little, if any, insight; I do not understand why this was . . .
Presidential concerns, "trumped up," and a Capito follow-up
Trump, despite everything going on around him, finds time to tweet his concerns about punctuation
This morning from our president:
To show you how dishonest the LameStream Media is, I used the word Liddle’, not Liddle, in discribing Corrupt Congressman Liddle’ Adam Schiff. Low ratings @CNN purposely took the hyphen out and said I . . .
Posted in: political cartoonsshelley moore capitotrump presidencytrump twitterwheeling news-register