The Wheeling Alternative
Could it be Air Antifa?
Trump buys a three-month old conspiracy that even the Wheeling Intelligencer eventually realized was a hoax
In early June, many small/medium-sized cities, depending upon social media postings, worried that antifa was about to arrive in their city spreading violence and destruction. Antifa’s supposed arrival often coincided with scheduled protest events. In Wheeling, for instance, the possible confrontation with a protest rally brought about the . . .
More Republican fake news
This evening, Twitter took down a video by the Trump War Room that took a sentence from Biden's speech earlier today out of context. Media Matters' president describes the original video:
#1) Biden was saying Trump was full of shit when he claims you wouldn't be safe in Biden's America. Trump campaign cuts it mid sentence to do . . .
Looking for news
Local coffee drinkers, building the Mexican wall, an Alabama candidate, and the coronavirus
Perhaps not as big as "seniors meeting for coffee," here are a couple of news stories that I found interesting in my travels around the Web.
Mexico is paying for the wall (that's Trump's story, and he's sticking with it.)
From yesterday’s Trump rally:
President Trump: "Mexico is paying for . . .
Odds and ends from the final night of the Republican convention (with updates)
”I profoundly accept this nomination” *
We have a new champion in the “Worst Use of a Popular Song at a Political Convention” category
Since 1984, I believe the clear leader has been the Ronald Reagan re-election committee’s use of Bruce Springsteen’s “Born in the USA” as background for a group of on-stage dancing Republicans at that year's Republican convention. Last . . .
In case you missed it: Monday was the Wheeling Intelligencer’s annual self-congratulatory editorial day
Don't they realize how self-serving this is?
We see these editorials a couple of times a year. Two are definite: one in August on the Intelligencer's birthday and one next month for the News-Register's. (Addditionally, there are usually one or two self-congratulatory pieces during the rest of the year.) They all say the same thing about putting reader's first, . . .
I agree with you, Senator Capito
“No one, no one, who has lost the trust of the American people should ever serve as our president.”
Here was West Virginia's Shelley Moore Capito speaking at the 2016 Republican National Convention:
(Note -- you will need to manually stop the clip.)
I could not find a recent poll on the public's overall trust of the president but earlier today Axios released a poll on how much we trust the president on . . .
Posted in: shelley moore capitotrump presidency
Congressman McKinley and the US Postal Service (with some additional thoughts on socialism for the rich)
Our local congressman joins Democrats to pass a postal bill buts still finds a way to attack them
Yesterday, the House voted to support the U.S. Postal Service and local representative, David McKinley, voted with the Democratic majority. From WV Metro News:
U.S. Rep. David McKinley, R-W.Va., was one of 26 Republicans that voted in support of a $25 billion bill for the U.S. Postal Service to maintain services during the . . .