Chutzpah and hypocrisy
A Wheeling "newspaper" lectures us (again) on civility
Last Thursday the Intellingencer published an editorial, "End Hysteria Over Politics," in which they tied the actions of James Hodgkinson to "the hysteria over Republican President Donald Trump and GOP lawmakers."
Of course, comedian Kathy Griffin and Julius Caesar got mentioned. Rather than comment upon the . . .
More on Trumpcare
Yes, Senator Capito appears to be selling out 175,000 West Virginians
According to Capito, she's "transitioning" not "phasing out"
Here is Senator Capito's twitter response to a question raised by Peter Sullivan, who writes for The Hill:
I had an interesting exchange just now with Sen. Capito on 7 yr phaseout of Medicaid expansion $. She prefers to say "transitional . . .
Posted in: shelley moore capitotrumpcare
The News-Register attacks Betsy DeVos
Despite having no experience in education, Betsy DeVos became Secretary of Education earlier this year by the narrowest of margins -- a tie-breaking vote by Vice President Pence. Until today, our local "newspapers" have published nothing but kind words about her. If you do a search on their website it yields at least a half-dozen . . .
Do as we say not as we do
Do they actually read their own "newspaper"?
From the editorial page of this morning's Wheeling Intelligencer:
On the left side is an editorial asking us to "End Hysteria Over Politics." On the right side is a column by the xenophobic, racist, and frequently hysterical Pat Buchanan, "Are We Nearing Civil War?"
Finally, someone calls out Capito on healthcare
The Gazette Mail catches on while the Intelligencer continues to ignore
From an editorial in this morning's Charleston Gazette Mail:
Many observers hoped that Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., who is somewhat moderate, would rebel against her party in the Senate and save millions of Americans from losing care.
However, her office revealed last week that she will kill the ACA in a slightly . . .
Posted in: medicaidshelley moore capitotrumpcare
Upcoming event: Dissent and Nonviolence Training Workshop
This Wednesday at 6 PM
Dissent and Nonviolence Training Workshop
Date: June 14, 2017
Time: 6:00 PM
Where: YWCA, 11th and Chapline Street, Wheeling, WV
Conducted by: American Friends Service Committee
Sponsored by: West Virginia American Civil Liberties Union and Marchers Ohio Valley Empowered
Congressman McKinley in the news
"If it’s not one thing, it’s another"-- Congressman McKinley tells us that it's time to move on
This morning, Metro News reported that local congressman David McKinley believes that we are wasting time on distractions -- specifically, President Trump and former FBI Director James Comey:
McKinley believes . . .
Posted in: david mckinley