News from the West Virginia Trump Party
Hey, what have you done for us lately, Shelley?
Most likely because her son is running for governor of West Virginia, Republican WV Senator Shelley Moore Capito recently broke a long silence and formally endorsed Donald Trump for President (I wrote about it here). Yesterday, Donald Trump Jr. responded:
Shelley Moore Capito is . . .
More on the Trump Party
A must-read analysis and some thoughts on the scary times we live in
Continuing with my Trump/West Virginia theme, I highly recommend an excellent analysis at Talking Points Memo by David Kurtz:
Trump Is Doing To The GOP What He Wants To Do To America
From that analysis:
But the truth is that Trump’s consolidation of the GOP as a far-right party is already . . .
How low can he go?
Republican AG candidate Mike Stuart panders to the WV Trump Party base (with updates)
The Britannica Dictionary defines “pander”:
to do or provide what someone wants or demands even though it is not proper, good, or reasonable
Here is West Virginia AG candidate Mike Stuart:
I’ll be introducing a bill in the State Senate to help Texas fund the cost of razor wire at the border. The open border . . .
WV legislative Democrats now joining the Trump Party in support of Texas
From the WV ACLU:
The near-unanimous passage of the xenophobic and paranoid HCR 64 might be a new low for the WV Legislature.
— ACLU of WV (@ACLU_WV) February 4, 2024
Yes, the vote for the resolution included Democrats Kayla Young of Kanawha and local delegate Shawn Fluharty:
HCR64, as a friend . . .
West Virginia stuff
A potpourri of state politics
The Republican legislature
On the rights of women
lol the “women’s bill of rights” that WV GOP recently introduced explicitly says they don’t mean equal rights.
— Delegate Kayla Young (@kaylayoungforwv) January 29, 2024
And on the right to read
Thank-you #WVLegislature for wanting to . . .
It’s official: the West Virginia Republican Party is no more as its last member has surrendered to the Trump Party
One day after a $83.3 judgement is rendered against Donald Trump for his defamations following his sexual assault trial, WV senator Shelley Moore Capito endorses him for President. Yesterday:
We have a chance to return to this in less than a year under President Trump.
West Virginians overwhelmingly support President Trump, and so do I.
. . .
Following the WV attorney general race
Republican candidate, Mike Stuart, goes all-in (and then some) for Trump
Sorry, Mike, but the West Virginia attorney general’s primary role is not to protect West Virginians “from radical liberals and climate crazies”
From West Virginia’s “Mission of the Office of the Attorney General”:
The overarching mission of the Office of the Attorney General, as set forth in the West Virginia . . .