The predictable answer: “let the people decide” and “it’s a vendetta”
The question: What did Senator Capito and our local Ogden newspapers say in 2016 about replacing a Supreme Court justice in a presidential election year?
Senator Capito
As Senator Shelley Moore Capito awaits her Republican talking points on voting on a new U.S. Supreme Court justice, I thought it might be informative to see what our senator said four years ago.
On March 16, 2016, President Barack Obama introduced Merrick Garland as his nominee for the Supreme Court. . . .
Further confirmation of the obvious
When it comes to interviewing Senator Capito, West Virginia has NO reporters, just stenographers
A week ago, the United States Senate, by a vote of 52 to 47, failed to pass a coronavirus economic relief bill. (60 votes were needed – all Democrats + Rand Paul voted against the measure.) Since that vote, West Virginia’s Republican senator, Shelley Moore Capito, has made the rounds of radio talk shows in the state with the Republican . . .
What's Senator Capito been doing?
(with Thursday update)
Senator Capito and other Republican senators wait for their talking points on the Woodward book
One of today's big national stories was the release of Bob Woodward's book on President Trump, "Rage." Here is the headline at the Washington Post:
Woodward book: Trump says he knew coronavirus was ‘deadly’ . . .
No surprise here: Senator Shelley Moore Capito visits Oglebay Park and gets two-days-worth of front-page Ogden coverage
Up for re-election, West Virginia’s Republican senator gets added to an article about Oglebay’s finances and then gets a free pass on unemployment benefits/stimulus package legislation
Monday’s article by staff writer Joselyn King is titled
Sen. Shelley Moore-Capito Checks In On PPP Spending at Oglebay
Despite the article’s title, most of the article is about the financial condition of the park; the material on the Capito visit looks like it was a late add-on to give Capito some additional . . .
Odds and ends from the final night of the Republican convention (with updates)
”I profoundly accept this nomination” *
We have a new champion in the “Worst Use of a Popular Song at a Political Convention” category
Since 1984, I believe the clear leader has been the Ronald Reagan re-election committee’s use of Bruce Springsteen’s “Born in the USA” as background for a group of on-stage dancing Republicans at that year's Republican convention. Last . . .
In case you missed it: Monday was the Wheeling Intelligencer’s annual self-congratulatory editorial day
Don't they realize how self-serving this is?
We see these editorials a couple of times a year. Two are definite: one in August on the Intelligencer's birthday and one next month for the News-Register's. (Addditionally, there are usually one or two self-congratulatory pieces during the rest of the year.) They all say the same thing about putting reader's first, . . .
I agree with you, Senator Capito
“No one, no one, who has lost the trust of the American people should ever serve as our president.”
Here was West Virginia's Shelley Moore Capito speaking at the 2016 Republican National Convention:
(Note -- you will need to manually stop the clip.)
I could not find a recent poll on the public's overall trust of the president but earlier today Axios released a poll on how much we trust the president on . . .
Posted in: shelley moore capitotrump presidency