All Categories: shelley moore capito(230) joe manchin(215) david mckinley(185) trump presidency(182) donald trump(111) patrick morrisey(107) coronavirus(106) mike myer(90) wheeling newspapers(88) jim justice(86) ogden newspaper bias(82) ogden favorite(80) war on coal(79) wheeling intelligencer(76) wheeling intelligencer editorial(76) alex mooney(70) ogden newspapers(70) coal(62) hillary clinton(61) intelligencer editorial(59) riley moore(58) climate change(47) wv trump party(45) gun control(45) wheeling news-register editorial(43) wv legislature(43) murray energy(40) wheeling news-register(38) newspapers on the cheap(38) trump administration(37) obama(36) mac warner(33) news-register editorial(33) fair and balanced(30) robert murray(30) fox news(29) anti-clinton bias(29) wheeling newspaper biases(28) fracking(28) obamacare(28) intelligencer propaganda(27) ogden bias(26) impeachment(26) trumpcare(25) michael myer(24) republican legislature(24) don blankenship(23) epa(23) mckinley mooney primary(23) racism(22) town hall meetings(22) wv republicans(21) bill cole(21) wv stenographer(21) evan jenkins(20) steven allen adams(19) bob nutting(18) sinclair broadcasting(18) pittsburgh pirates(17) wheeling newspaper hypocrisy(17) guns(17) gordon gee(16) wheeling newspaper ethics(16) wv politics(15) wv teachers(15) alternative energy(15) bishop bransfield(15) yesterday's news tomorrow(15) news on the cheap(15) charleston gazette-mail(14) mike stuart(14) west virginia economy(14) joe biden(14) wtov(14) intelligencer(13) republican candidates(13) ryan ferns(13) wv gop(13) plagiarism(13) trump party(13) ogden newspaper hypocricy(13) baseball on the cheap(13) natural gas(12) west virginia coronavirus(12) 2020 presidential election(12) bernie sanders(12) ethical journalism(12) it's all obama's fault(12) wv supreme court judges(12) wv drug problems(12) umwa(12) wtrf(12) abortion(12) west virginians(11) build back better(11) coronavirus masks(11) republican tax reform(11) bill johnson(11) koch(11) right-to-work(10) robin capehart(10) u.s. supreme court(10) wv governor race(10) gretchen whitmer(10) full disclosure(10) mitch mcconnell(10) west virginia university(10) polls(9) kendra fershee(9) vendetta(9) john oliver(9) west virginia republican party(9) renewables(9) voting rights(9) fake news(9) hoppy kercheval(9) hunter biden(9) ohio politics(8) west virginia legislature(8) obamacare replacement(8) wv education(8) political correctness(8) west virginia state government(8) electricity costs(8) china and west virginia(8) republicans vs. democrats(8) sports betting(8) medicaid(8) blankenship trial(8) murray coal(8) trump racism(8) mountaintop removal(8) 2018 wv senate race(8) trump border wall(8) morrisey(8) 2024 wv senate race(8) republican presidential candidates(8) ohio republicans(8) afghanistan(7) immigration(7) trump indictment(7) fact checking(7) opioids(7) global warming(7) clean coal(7) coal ash(7) john kasich(7) teacher unions(7) intelligencer 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floyd protests(5) miner retirement(5) trump criticism(5) nobel peace prize(5) russians and trump(5) liberals(5) money in politics(5) worst editorial of the year award(5) patricia rucker(5) scott pruitt(5) mueller investigation(5) january 6 insurrection(5) republican senatorial primary(5) andrew wheeler(5) deathmatch(5) charter schools(5) brent benjamin(5) election security(5) trump(4) blood on the mountain(4) intelligencer hypocrisy(4) wheeling new-register editorial(4) cnbc survey(4) severance tax(4) antifa(4) budget cuts to social programs(4) child tax credits(4) republican national convention(4) coal propaganda(4) mckinley(4) inflation(4) darrell mcgraw(4) robert byrd(4) john mccabe(4) drugs(4) president biden(4) betsy devos(4) wv jobs(4) derrick evans(4) conservation(4) trump budget(4) wv public broadcasting(4) ogden stenography(4) pro-trump bias(4) nra(4) political cartoons(4) climate change polls(4) ron desantis(4) democratic presidential candidates(4) anthony fauci(4) 2024 wv election(4) imperial president(4) climate change denier(4) peabody energy(4) paula jean swearingen(4) patrick buchanan(4) scalia replacement(4) pat mcgeehan(4) concealed carry(3) charlottesville(3) wvu(3) dreamers(3) intelligencer editorials(3) william ihlenfeld(3) pope francis(3) umw(3) investigative reporting(3) ogden newspaper hypocrisy(3) msha(3) natalie cline(3) wv flooding(3) united states postal service(3) fentanyl(3) wilbur ross(3) little blue run(3) ogden syndicated columnists(3) solar energy(3) jeff sessions(3) west virginia's future(3) snap benefits(3) executive action(3) west virginia 2017 budget(3) the onion(3) breitbart(3) crt(3) west virginia history(3) amy coney barrett(3) cults(3) martin luther king(3) medicare(3) tariffs(3) barry wendell(3) west virginia gop(3) jim jordan(3) most unethical editorial award(3) bluefield state college(3) wv aclu(3) laura hollis(3) twitter news(3) marjorie taylor greene(3) justice/mooney(3) ted cruz(3) bipartisanship(3) anti-semitism(3) 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bags(1) benwood bridge(1) wv population loss(1) canary in the coal mine(1) 2018 awards(1) mike folk(1) gazette-mail bankruptcy(1) rick perry(1) federal budget(1) 2017 awards(1) homeschooling(1) media ethics(1) covington(1) americans for prosperity(1) grassroots leadership academy(1) eric porterfield(1) blogging(1) local news(1) coal companies(1) editorial page bias(1) sherrod brown(1) ogden online poll(1) low-information voter(1) wv poll(1) 2017 favorites(1) no labels(1) 2017 wrap-up(1) 2018 budget(1) home
Coronavirus: Looking for a scapegoat
Trump (and some Republicans) continue to blame the Chinese
Yesterday, from President Trump:
The United States will be powerfully supporting those industries, like Airlines and others, that are particularly affected by the Chinese Virus. We will be stronger than ever before!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 16, 2020
This follows a number of other statements by Trump, some . . .
Posted in: coronavirusracismtrump racism
Thoughts on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day from the Narcissist-in-Chief and his enablers
President Trump explaining why the day is important
It was exactly three years ago today, January 20, 2017, that I was sworn into office. So appropriate that today is also MLK jr DAY. African-American Unemployment is the LOWEST in the history of our Country, by far. Also, best Poverty, Youth, and Employment numbers, ever. Great!
— Donald . . .
Posted in: mike myerracismtrump presidency
In two columns, local editor Mike Myer discusses the prison trainees’ Nazi salute
He doesn’t blame the trainees, he blames education. I disagree.
Last week, local editor Mike Myer argued that the “Fault Is Ours, Not Trainees.’” In that column, Myer contrasted today’s students with those who grew up after World War II:
West Virginians then understood what the Nazi salute stood for — murderous, organized, institutional evil.
Do younger people, not just here but in other . . .
Trump compares his impeachment to a “lynching”
Will the Wheeling Intelligencer finally criticize the president? Don’t bet on it.
A lynching?
Earlier today, the President tweeted:
So some day, if a Democrat becomes President and the Republicans win the House, even by a tiny margin, they can impeach the President, without due process or fairness or any legal rights. All Republicans must remember what they are witnessing here - a lynching. But we will WIN!
— . . .
The Wheeling Intelligencer continues to ignore Trump’s racism
Because it’s the Democrats who are the real racists!
If you’ve had access to any news sources beyond our local Ogden “newspapers” this weekend, you’re probably aware of the president’s Twitter attacks on Congressman Elijah Cummins of Baltimore. This was the first one on Saturday morning:
Rep, Elijah Cummings has been a brutal bully, shouting and screaming at the great men & women of . . .
Reading the Sunday News-Register: same old, same old
Little news and another Myer cure for racism
Page 1 of today’s Wheeling News-Register features mostly old news and yet another promo for the Ogden Wellness Weekend. Three-fourths of the front page is taken up by two stories on the roads in Marshall County. About one-third of the first story is what the WV Division of Highways had to say about the roads on Wednesday: essentially, they . . .
Posted in: mike myerracismsunday wheeling news-register
Shorter version of today’s Wheeling News-Register editorial: “We’re shocked, shocked that anyone could possibly think that the WV Republican Party encourages racism”
Who is criticized the most? A look at the possible answers
A. It's not House Speaker Roger Hanshaw. The speaker is quoted in the article about allowing:
national level politics to become a cancer on our state, to become a cancer on our Legislature, to invade our chamber in a way that, frankly, makes me . . .
All Categories: shelley moore capito(230) joe manchin(215) david mckinley(185) trump presidency(182) donald trump(111) patrick morrisey(107) coronavirus(106) mike myer(90) wheeling newspapers(88) jim justice(86) ogden newspaper bias(82) ogden favorite(80) war on coal(79) wheeling intelligencer(76) wheeling intelligencer editorial(76) alex mooney(70) ogden newspapers(70) coal(62) hillary clinton(61) intelligencer editorial(59) riley moore(58) climate change(47) wv trump party(45) gun control(45) wheeling news-register editorial(43) wv legislature(43) murray energy(40) wheeling news-register(38) newspapers on the cheap(38) trump administration(37) obama(36) mac warner(33) news-register editorial(33) fair and balanced(30) robert murray(30) fox news(29) anti-clinton bias(29) wheeling newspaper biases(28) fracking(28) obamacare(28) intelligencer propaganda(27) ogden bias(26) impeachment(26) trumpcare(25) michael myer(24) republican legislature(24) don blankenship(23) epa(23) mckinley mooney primary(23) racism(22) town hall meetings(22) wv republicans(21) bill cole(21) wv stenographer(21) evan jenkins(20) steven allen adams(19) bob nutting(18) sinclair broadcasting(18) pittsburgh pirates(17) wheeling newspaper hypocrisy(17) guns(17) gordon gee(16) wheeling newspaper ethics(16) wv politics(15) wv teachers(15) alternative energy(15) bishop bransfield(15) yesterday's news tomorrow(15) news on the cheap(15) charleston gazette-mail(14) mike stuart(14) west virginia economy(14) joe biden(14) wtov(14) intelligencer(13) republican candidates(13) ryan ferns(13) wv gop(13) plagiarism(13) trump party(13) ogden newspaper hypocricy(13) baseball on the cheap(13) natural gas(12) west virginia coronavirus(12) 2020 presidential election(12) bernie sanders(12) ethical journalism(12) it's all obama's fault(12) wv supreme court judges(12) wv drug problems(12) umwa(12) wtrf(12) abortion(12) west virginians(11) build back better(11) coronavirus masks(11) republican tax reform(11) bill johnson(11) koch(11) right-to-work(10) robin capehart(10) u.s. supreme court(10) wv governor race(10) gretchen whitmer(10) full disclosure(10) mitch mcconnell(10) west virginia university(10) polls(9) kendra fershee(9) vendetta(9) john oliver(9) west virginia republican party(9) renewables(9) voting rights(9) fake news(9) hoppy kercheval(9) hunter biden(9) ohio politics(8) west virginia legislature(8) obamacare replacement(8) wv education(8) political correctness(8) west virginia state government(8) electricity costs(8) china and west virginia(8) republicans vs. democrats(8) sports betting(8) medicaid(8) blankenship trial(8) murray coal(8) trump racism(8) mountaintop removal(8) 2018 wv senate race(8) trump border wall(8) morrisey(8) 2024 wv senate race(8) republican presidential candidates(8) ohio republicans(8) afghanistan(7) immigration(7) trump indictment(7) fact checking(7) opioids(7) global warming(7) clean coal(7) coal ash(7) john kasich(7) teacher unions(7) intelligencer headlines(7) 2018 wv senatorial election(7) alpha natural resources(7) pro-trump coverage(7) doug reynolds(7) ukraine(7) trump west virginia(7) paula swearengin(7) appalachian sterotype(6) rob portman(6) u.s. energy policy(6) ryan weld(6) 2022 wv congressional race(6) wvgop(6) investment in coal(6) fox guarding hen house(6) ogden self-promotion(6) fossil fuels(6) clean power plan(6) wv taxes(6) wv media(6) education(6) wv coronavirus(6) republican hypocrisy(6) religious freedom bill(6) west virginia health care(6) 2024 election(6) western coal(6) jeff kessler(6) jd vance(6) brett kavanaugh(6) biden presidency(6) dumbest editorial award(6) misleading headlines(6) carol miller(6) community newspaper(6) iran(6) trump twitter(6) infrastructure(6) ethics(6) astroturf(6) wheeling newspaper hypocricy(5) coal wars(5) west liberty university(5) discrimination(5) election fraud(5) trump golf(5) chris miller(5) 2024 republican senate primary(5) capito(5) wv stereotype(5) odds and ends(5) george floyd protests(5) miner retirement(5) trump criticism(5) nobel peace prize(5) russians and trump(5) liberals(5) money in politics(5) worst editorial of the year award(5) patricia rucker(5) scott pruitt(5) mueller investigation(5) january 6 insurrection(5) republican senatorial primary(5) andrew wheeler(5) deathmatch(5) charter schools(5) brent benjamin(5) election security(5) trump(4) blood on the mountain(4) intelligencer hypocrisy(4) wheeling new-register editorial(4) cnbc survey(4) severance tax(4) antifa(4) budget cuts to social programs(4) child tax credits(4) republican national convention(4) coal propaganda(4) mckinley(4) inflation(4) darrell mcgraw(4) robert byrd(4) john mccabe(4) drugs(4) president biden(4) betsy devos(4) wv jobs(4) derrick evans(4) conservation(4) trump budget(4) wv public broadcasting(4) ogden stenography(4) pro-trump bias(4) nra(4) political cartoons(4) climate change polls(4) ron desantis(4) democratic presidential candidates(4) anthony fauci(4) 2024 wv election(4) imperial president(4) climate change denier(4) peabody energy(4) paula jean swearingen(4) patrick buchanan(4) scalia replacement(4) pat mcgeehan(4) concealed carry(3) charlottesville(3) wvu(3) dreamers(3) intelligencer editorials(3) william ihlenfeld(3) pope francis(3) umw(3) investigative reporting(3) ogden newspaper hypocrisy(3) msha(3) natalie cline(3) wv flooding(3) united states postal service(3) fentanyl(3) wilbur ross(3) little blue run(3) ogden syndicated columnists(3) solar energy(3) jeff sessions(3) west virginia's future(3) snap benefits(3) executive action(3) west virginia 2017 budget(3) the onion(3) breitbart(3) crt(3) west virginia history(3) amy coney barrett(3) cults(3) martin luther king(3) medicare(3) tariffs(3) barry wendell(3) west virginia gop(3) jim jordan(3) most unethical editorial award(3) bluefield state college(3) wv aclu(3) laura hollis(3) twitter news(3) marjorie taylor greene(3) justice/mooney(3) ted cruz(3) bipartisanship(3) anti-semitism(3) iraq(3) wheeling hospital(3) green new deal(3) first energy(3) justice mooney primary(3) integrity fee(3) water quality(3) west virginia public broadcasting(3) bethesda(3) cryptocurrency(3) black lung(3) worst editorial of 2019(3) david zatezalo(3) lugar bipartisan index(2) sierra club(2) wv mining disasters(2) social security(2) mass media(2) tpp(2) united mine workers(2) charleston gazette(2) huckabee(2) obama white house(2) wv unemployment(2) millennials(2) refugee crisis(2) franking(2) hilary clinton(2) james van nostrand(2) the iraq war(2) omnibus funding bill(2) popular posts(2) booth goodwin(2) planned parenthood(2) north korea(2) benghazi(2) wv democratic party(2) alec(2) wind energy(2) freedom of speech(2) epipen(2) miners protection act(2) rewriting history(2) secretary of education(2) blame obama(2) michael flynn(2) kellyanne conway(2) mike pence(2) west virginia stereotype(2) james comey(2) civility(2) american chemical council(2) alt right(2) 2017 summer recess(2) conspiracy theories(2) metronews poll(2) sexual harassment(2) associated press(2) trump supporters(2) ferc(2) ken ward jr(2) fcc(2) trump tv(2) pittsburgh post-gazette(2) u.s. deficit(2) wv business climate(2) atlantic coast pipeline(2) voter suppression(2) mountain valley pipeline(2) school shootings(2) worst article of the year award(2) 2019 government shutdown(2) vouchers(2) sunday wheeling news-register(2) paul manafort(2) trump stuff you can't make up(2) anti-muslim attacks(2) concern trolling(2) 2020 democratic presidential candidates(2) michelle malkin(2) vawa(2) william barr(2) evangelicals for trump(2) kkk(2) alexander acosta(2) quid pro quo(2) first amendment(2) brett crozier(2) shawn fluharty(2) solar energy in west virginia(2) kamala harris(2) confederate statues(2) earmarks(2) phil kabler(2) ben shapiro(2) ohio county schools(2) coronovirus(2) mike azinger(2) american rescue plan(2) lauren boebert(2) josh mandel(2) jane timken(2) chris pritt(2) filibuster(2) hope scholarship(2) wv vouchers(2) texas(2) fascism(2) more capito(2) ogden wellness weekend(2) george soros(2) ohio issue 1(2) 2024 wv governor race(2) youngstown state university(2) trump presidency 2(2) lgbt(1) fake editorial(1) national debt(1) ogden national debt editorial(1) mercatus center(1) beto o rourke(1) nazi(1) wv awards(1) ilhan omar(1) elizabeth warren(1) newt gingrich(1) labor day(1) kathleen hartnett-white(1) biden impeachment(1) kevin mccarthy(1) chip(1) mark milley(1) school choice(1) roy moore(1) media matters(1) gil white(1) main studio rule(1) blake farenhold(1) john conyers(1) worst column of 2019(1) football culture wars(1) mepco(1) capito reelection editorial(1) storage hub(1) single payer(1) rush limbaugh(1) ethane storage(1) events(1) dei(1) casey junkins(1) sex trafficking(1) antisemitism(1) lgbtq(1) boris epshteyn(1) ogden holiday editions(1) hurricane harvey(1) local sports coverage(1) wheeling area media(1) move(1) paris agreement(1) gary cohn(1) obama's fault(1) war on christmas(1) jim lees(1) jared kushner(1) methane(1) liberal blame(1) automation(1) eqt(1) wv board of education(1) alexander hamilton(1) ovmc closing(1) syria(1) medical marijuana(1) ivanka trump(1) internet service provider(1) city of wheeling(1) american civil war(1) ultra-liberals(1) pelosi quote(1) stream protection rule(1) terrorism(1) alternate facts(1) exxon(1) term limits(1) kara mckinney(1) matt bevin(1) cdc(1) whistleblower(1) 2019 awards(1) nativism(1) wheeling city council(1) legal notices(1) orwell(1) 2020 congressional race(1) rex tillerson(1) 24/7 survey(1) michael bloomberg(1) stephen colbert(1) ethics committee(1) cyberbullying(1) poverty porn(1) trump's cabinet(1) rounding up the usual suspects(1) 2020 worst column award(1) dumbest column award(1) dr strangelove(1) coronavirus humor(1) cracker plant(1) trump foundation(1) stephen bannon(1) super pac(1) jb mccuskey(1) chris walker(1) third-party candidates(1) higher education(1) flint(1) al gore(1) pat buchanan(1) bill clinton(1) hurricane matthew(1) heather bresch(1) banking(1) radical islam(1) aarp(1) tax rates(1) rand paul(1) 2020 wv senatorial race(1) due process(1) marco rubio(1) teresa toriseva(1) aclu(1) mountain state spotlight(1) biased research(1) capito moore(1) student loans(1) superdelegates(1) democratic party(1) no allegiance(1) coal company bankruptcy(1) making comments(1) jack yost(1) bridges(1) lng(1) flag burning(1) ogden predictions(1) beth walker(1) artificial intelligence(1) jill biden(1) kayla young(1) chris regan(1) biden-bashing(1) conflict of interest(1) wv income tax(1) self-promotion(1) self-disclosure(1) voter id(1) elgin baylor(1) mike caputo(1) ohio river valley institute(1) tyler county(1) tax cuts(1) pays you owns you(1) a charlie brown christmas(1) bob huggins(1) ohio county library(1) teach for america(1) wheeling jesuit university(1) blackrock(1) buffalo creek(1) sec(1) insurrection investigation(1) new media(1) west virginia media(1) poverty(1) coal subsidies(1) cybersecurity(1) sexual assault(1) viatris/mylan(1) madison cawthorn(1) clean water bill(1) wvcbc(1) test scores(1) sean o'leary(1) mo brooks(1) freedom to choose(1) joe jeffries(1) republican family values(1) epa pr(1) wv employers(1) wv tourism(1) public access(1) entitlements(1) patriot coal(1) 2022 wv senate race(1) daily athenaeum(1) west virginia chemicals(1) west virginia cancer rates(1) ketanji brown jackson(1) putin(1) glenn elliott(1) barry goldwater(1) environmental films(1) maxine waters(1) mike pompeo(1) alaska(1) rant(1) heroin(1) air travel(1) mike collins(1) childcare(1) morgantown dominion post(1) biden economy(1) daily show(1) wheeling police(1) rich lowry(1) minimum wage(1) danielle walker(1) erickson(1) kroger(1) john prine(1) mike oliverio(1) gigi sohn(1) john fetterman(1) baby formula(1) walter mondale(1) charleston(1) juneteenth(1) roe v. wade(1) casidy hutchinson(1) metro news(1) frank hoagland(1) wheeling intelligencer editoral(1) private prisons(1) pam bondi(1) jeb bush(1) whiskey on the cheap(1) aspen news(1) women's rights(1) dinesh d’souza(1) mike tony(1) sean hannity(1) giorgi meloni(1) gas prices(1) bernie moreno(1) little blue(1) laura wakim-chapman(1) keystone pipeline(1) west virginia democratic party(1) jack prosobiec(1) best of the ohio valley(1) bishop mark brennen(1) wv war on public education(1) educational funding(1) doug skaff(1) inflation reduction act(1) nucor(1) microschools(1) east palestine(1) glenn elliot(1) redlining(1) china(1) esg investing(1) dodd-frank(1) scott adams(1) child marriages(1) tax foundation(1) baby dog(1) ohio state(1) elon musk(1) nate cain(1) cbo(1) west virginia wilder(1) freudian slip(1) tim armstead(1) roseanne barr(1) richard ojeda(1) stereotypes(1) comments(1) woke(1) the health plan(1) mark curtis(1) mccarthyism(1) babydog(1) 2018 elections(1) national education association(1) veterans(1) mike pushkin(1) death of newspaper(1) net neutrality(1) michael cohen(1) plastic bags(1) benwood bridge(1) wv population loss(1) canary in the coal mine(1) 2018 awards(1) mike folk(1) gazette-mail bankruptcy(1) rick perry(1) federal budget(1) 2017 awards(1) homeschooling(1) media ethics(1) covington(1) americans for prosperity(1) grassroots leadership academy(1) eric porterfield(1) blogging(1) local news(1) coal companies(1) editorial page bias(1) sherrod brown(1) ogden online poll(1) low-information voter(1) wv poll(1) 2017 favorites(1) no labels(1) 2017 wrap-up(1) 2018 budget(1) home