Team David: Congressman McKinley and the Wheeling News-Register launch his reelection campaign
Today’s paper carries the congressman’s op-ed bragging about all the accomplishments that “we” (he and his office staff) were able to accomplish
Ogden’s efforts to re-elect local congressman David McKinley began today as the News-Register published McKinley’s first op-ed of the new year:
Behind the Headlines, Things Got Done in Washington
McKinley tells us early on:
Behind all of the blaring national headlines, there were notable bipartisan . . .
“We are obliged to no individual” unless their last name is McKinley
Our local Ogden papers ignore the latest news on the continuing Bransfield scandal
On Sunday evening, the Washington Post published another report in its continuing investigation of the Bransfield scandal. (See previous post.) This article examined the controversies surrounding the Diocese of West Virginia’s sale of the former bishop’s home in Wheeling. The article appeared in the Post’s Monday edition. Additionally, the . . .
A star is born!
Another weekend, another Riley Moore article
Yes, it's another weekend and time for yet another Ogden article about their new favorite, Riley Moore, candidate for West Virginia state treasurer.
What's the reason for the article?
He visited Wheeling sometime this past week.
How does it begin?
As with the previous two articles, we . . .
Posted in: ogden favoriteriley moore
Ogden Newspapers adds another politician to its stable of favorites
More love for the descendants of Arch Moore*
A year ago, the Sunday Wheeling News-Register published a front-page article about Riley Moore, Senator Capito’s nephew and grandson of former West Virginia governor, Arch Moore. As I wrote then:
Ogden political reporter, Steven Allen Adams, and the News-Register have outdone themselves with one of the longest front-page stories . . .
Zero: The sum total of articles in today’s Wheeling Intelligencer about the arrest of Rudy Giuliani’s buddies or their contribution to WV AG Morrisey’s PAC (with afternoon update)
The ties to West Virginia attorney general Patrick Morrisey's PAC (see previous post) are a front-page story in the Charleston paper, on the WV Metro News site, and the featured article on WV Public’s website. Of note, the Inter-Mountain, another Ogden West Virginia paper, listed it’s coverage by Ogden political reporter, Steven . . .
Will the real David McKinley please stand up?
The congressman says different things about red flag laws in different parts of his congressional district but no one at an Ogden call him out on it
Five days ago, the Wheeling News-Register’s front page featured this story about West Virginia’s 1st District congressman:
McKinley Backs ‘Red Flag’ Gun Regulations
McKinley, of course, was following President Trump’s lead and our local Republican paper was more than willing to publicize how one of its favorites . . .
Posted in: david mckinleygun contrologden favorite
The good news: Finally, a West Virginia newspaper covers Representative McKinley’s vote against the Violence Against Women Act
The bad news: The newspaper is 240 miles away and no where near the 1st congressional district
McKinley sort-of explains his vote against VAWA
On Saturday, a West Virginia newspaper covered how West Virginia’s representatives voted on the renewal of the Violence Against Women Act. (All three voted against the Act.) Unfortunately for local readers, the coverage was in the Beckley Register-Herald. Reporter Erin Beck examined . . .
Posted in: david mckinleyogden favoritevawawtrf