Breaking news: West Virginia Republicans embrace frivolous lawsuits!
Is it a sign of the apocalypse? What’s next? Undoing “right-to-work” laws? Paying teachers and other state workers a living wage? Never mind, it’s about the Party’s unswerving loyalty to Donald Trump
The Rucker quote neatly states the West Virginia Republican Party’s (along with its messenger - the Wheeling Intelligencer) long-term justification for tort reform. (For more examples, type “West Virginia” and “frivolous lawsuits” into a search engine and see how many hits and how far back the search goes.)
West Virginia . . .
Posted in: 2020 presidential electionbiden presidencymac warnerogden biaspatricia ruckerpatrick morriseywest virginia gopwv republicans
Sorry, Wheeling Intelligencer, just because you did not consider it a contest doesn’t mean that it wasn’t one
Today’s morning “newspaper” has no results from the West Virginia senatorial race
The TV networks called the race early and it was not very close. (As of 11 AM today, the AP had Republican Shelley Moore Capito easily winning with most of the ballots counted.) Still, that is no reason not to provide results. Of course, that would have meant that they would need to print Paula Jean Searengin’s name – something that the . . .
Tone-deaf, tasteless, inappropriate, incendiary (I’ll stop there)
Friday afternoon's Wheeling News-Register carries another ugly anti-Whitmer political cartoon (#10 in the series) the day after a plot to kidnap her was broken-up by the FBI
As I suggested would happen in yesterday’s blog post, neither the morning Wheeling Intelligencer nor the afternoon News-Register carried what was the top story on last night’s network news reports and a front-page story on most national newspapers: the FBI’s thwarting of a kidnapping plot against Michigan’s governor, Gretchen Whitmer.
. . .Posted in: anti-clinton biasgretchen whitmerogden bias
No surprise here: Senator Shelley Moore Capito visits Oglebay Park and gets two-days-worth of front-page Ogden coverage
Up for re-election, West Virginia’s Republican senator gets added to an article about Oglebay’s finances and then gets a free pass on unemployment benefits/stimulus package legislation
Monday’s article by staff writer Joselyn King is titled
Sen. Shelley Moore-Capito Checks In On PPP Spending at Oglebay
Despite the article’s title, most of the article is about the financial condition of the park; the material on the Capito visit looks like it was a late add-on to give Capito some additional . . .
The title on today’s syndicated column by George F. Will: “Trump must be removed. So must his congressional enablers.” (with afternoon Capito update)
The columnist is a regular on the Wheeling Intelligencer’s editorial page, but will local readers see this column?
George F. Will is a conservative columnist who is regularly featured locally in the Wheeling Intelligencer. Today’s recently-posted column by Will is about Republicans who have uncritically allowed the President to do as he pleases:
The nation’s downward spiral into acrimony and sporadic anarchy has had many causes . . .
Reading the last (actual) Sunday Wheeling News-Register
The News-Register announced on its front page that, following in the footsteps of other Ogden newspapers, today will be last time readers will receive their Sunday paper on Sunday. Henceforth, local readers will receive it on Saturday even though it will be called the Sunday News-Register. (Yeah, I know.) Additionally, the Monday . . .
The Saturday Intelligencer “covers” the coronavirus
The front page
The front-page story with the biggest headline is a feature article (with two pictures) about how a West Virginia native is dealing with the virus in Japan. Reporter Jennifer Compston-Strough talked to Joe Hindman, a New Martinsville WV native, who has lived with his family in Japan for 16 years.
Given the . . .