Communists, sanctuary cities, Viktor Orban, and border protection
Judging the WV Republican candidates for governor by what’s important to them
It’s 6 PM EST on February 28, 2024 and this is what is at the top of the Twitter page of the leading Republican candidates for WV governor:
Communists teaching in West Virginia colleges -- Chris Miller
New #MillerforGov TV ad, “Communist”
It’s not just Harvard. Marxist and Communist professors have infiltrated our state . . .
Posted in: chris millermore capitopatrick morrisey
Some follow-ups on recent posts
CPAC, Trump sneakers, Stuart’s razor wire bill, and a look at how Mac Warner’s is using the secretary of state’s office
A WV candidate for governor speaks at CPAC
Hey, it's Republican Chris Miller discussing "woke" doctors:
CPAC speaker talks about the need to lock up "woke doctors"
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) February 23, 2024
I am a bit surprised that Riley Moore didn’t get a chance to speak.
. . .Ending democracy?
Jack Posobiec and his WV connection
I saw this video from the Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) meeting last night and I was glad to see it featured earlier today on CNN:
Jack Posobiec at CPAC: “Welcome to the end of democracy. We are here to overthrow it completely. We didn’t get all the way there on Jan. 6, but we will endeavor to get rid of it.”
Trump’s . . .
Posted in: riley moore
From “well-regarded” to “one-of-a-kind”
Ogden Newspapers may need to change it descriptor for favorite Mac Warner
Last year, a Wheeling Intelligencer editorial praised the work of one of its favorites, WV Secretary of State Mac Warner, telling us how well-regarded Warner was supposedly among his peers:
Secretary of State Mac Warner is so well regarded in that field that he testified Thursday before Congress about the security and confidence . . .
Posted in: mac warnerogden favorite
Does Mike Stuart have a reading comprehension problem or is the WV AG candidate deliberately misleading his readers?
Mike Stuart on the Trump fraud case and support for his Texas wire fences bill
Trump’s New York fraud case
Pointing to the most recent Trump civil case, WV AG candidate Mike Stuart tells us that he has “never seen such abuse of the justice system.” For proof, Stuart links to an article by a blogger, Walter Olsen, at the Cato Institute:
So punitive and so outlandish, I’ve never seen such abuse of the justice . . .
Posted in: mike caputomike stuarttexas
Yes, Donald Trump, come to West Virginia and we’ll look the other way as you exploit our laws, resources, and people
Patrick Morrisey inadvertently explains why the citizens of one of richest natural resource states in the nation are among the country's poorest
Here is WV Attorney General and candidate for governor, Patrick Morrisey, yesterday:
The Trump Family, and any business looking for predictability and certainty, would be warmly welcomed in West Virginia. That ruling is out of control!
— Patrick Morrisey (@MorriseyWV) February 17, 2024
Let’s see. So . . .
Who is WV’s #1 Trump toady?
Breaking: Riley Moore appears to have pulled ahead of Patrick Morrisey and Mike Stuart for that honor
The American Heritage Dictionary defines “toady” as
A person who flatters or defers to others for self-serving reasons; a sycophant.
Yesterday, Donald Trump unveiled a new scam, $400 golden sneakers, and WV Republican congressional candidate Riley Moore couldn’t wait to demonstrate what a total brownnoser he is:
. . .Posted in: riley moorewv trump party