Odds and ends from around the Web
Fauci whacks McKinley, Trump not kidding on testing, and more
Our local representative, David McKinley, tries to blame Fauci on masks and Fauci has none of it
BREAKING NEWS: Dr. Fauci puts the smack down at @EnergyCommerce hearing when @RepMcKinley tries to blame Dr. Fauci as to why masks were not recommend earlier.
“Oh, so we’re going to play that game, let me explain to you what happened....” . . .
Robert C. Byrd and Moundsville’s mine-resistant/ambush-protected vehicle
A look at the front page of Friday’s Wheeling Intelligencer
Note -- My RSS feed has been a recurring problem for me. In this case, the RSS feed did not go out when this and the previous post were originally published on Friday and Thursday.
Here is the U.S. Army’s description of this vehicle:
The Cougar MRAP can be used in command and control, explosive ordnance . . .
Today’s Wheeling “newspapers” donate almost 1300 words to Senator Shelley Moore Capito’s reelection campaign
It's the least they could do for an Ogden favorite
Note: It appears that the RSS feed is currently not working.
The Ogden Newspaper effort
It’s easily the largest article in either of today’s paper. The front-page story
Sen. Capito Urges Support For Senate Police Reform Bill
is by Ogden’s political reporter, Steven Allen Adams, and it . . .
Posted in: ogden favoriteshelley moore capito
More on the Wheeling Intelligencer and the coronavirus
Another Mike Myer column on how the virus discriminates
Today’s column, “Disease Can Discriminate, Too,” by the editor tells us that African-Americans have been affected more by the virus than whites. It is the third such column and like the previous ones, the column raises questions without much of an attempt to answer them.
. . .Posted in: coronavirusmike myer
Looking for balanced reporting?
There is none in this WTOV report on covid unemployment fraud
Yesterday, our local Sinclair Broadcasting affiliate, WTOV channel 9, broadcast this report by Jessica Haberley:
NEWS9 Special Assignment: Is the unemployment system promoting fraud?
(Sorry, I could not get the video to set-up for viewing. The summary and the video are on the WTOV website here.)
Haberly . . .
History, plagiarism, aliens, grenade launchers, and Hillary
Some tweets you may find interesting on a late Spring day
None dare call it plagiarism
Okay, let's just call it an interesting parphrase of Neville Chamberlain. Historian Jack Pitney on yesterday's address by the president at West Point:
Trump: "It is not the duty of our military to solve ancient conflicts in faraway lands, that no one has ever heard of." His writers plagiarized . . .
Posted in: fox newsplagiarismtrump presidency
The coronavirus: masks and politics, Trump and Tulsa, and don’t forget Wheeling “newspapers”
The evidence is clear -- wearing masks can clearly reduced the spread of the coronavirus
There are many studies out there that support this conclusion. Here are the two most recent ones. From today’s The Hill:
Masks can reduce coronavirus spread by 40 percent: researchers
Additionally, from a British . . .