Promising to generate “unique local content that you can’t find anywhere else,” Ogden Newspapers buys the Morgantown Dominion Post
Last week, from the Morgantown Dominion-Post:
BREAKING: Ogden Newspapers set to buy The Dominion Post
— The Dominion Post . . .
The Ogden Newspapers will purchase The Dominion Post from the Raese family of Morgantown and its West Virginia Newspaper Publishing Co., the two companies announced Wednesday.
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Posted in: john mccabemorgantown dominion postnewspapers on the cheapogden newspaper hypocrisyogden newspapersogden self-promotion
Addressing the West Virginia child care crisis
WV governor Jim Justice and Donald Trump demonstrate their leadership on the issue
From the West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy:
West Virginia’s per capita state spending on child care lags behind all our neighboring states. This has contributed to low wages and high turnover in the child care industry.
— West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy (@WVCBP) September 6, 2024
. . .
Posted in: childcaredonald trumpjim justice
Schools are open; the gun violence begins
And the local Republican congressman responds right on cue
From CNN:
At least four people are dead and approximately 30 injured after a shooting at Apalachee High School in Winder, Georgia, sources tell CNN
— CNN Breaking News (@cnnbrk) September 4, 2024
The local congressman quickly responded with the usual Republican thoughts and prayers:
Leigh Ann and I . . .
Posted in: gun controlgunsmike collinsschool shootings
Who are you going to trust? Jim Justice or the Bureau of Labor Statistics?
Governor Jim Justice just a few minutes ago:
Since day one, my mission has been to put WV on a rocketship ride, and we've done exactly that. We’ve seen over $20B in economic development investments, creating 30,000+ jobs — and we’re not stopping! More goodness to come very, very soon. @WVaChamber
— Governor Jim . . .
Posted in: jim justicewest virginia economy
Jim “smoke and mirrors” Justice
It is getting difficult to keep up (with update)
I’m sure most of my readers are familiar with Jim Justice’s financial problems. I believe this one is the most recent:
A hotel company owned by the family of West Virginia Governor Jim Justice has been sued by Louisiana Bank after failing to pay back a $35 million pandemic relief loan.
— 7News DC (@7NewsDC) August . . .
Posted in: jim justicejoe manchinwvu
Reading today’s Intelligencer editorial page
Another look at the Wheeling Intelligencer’s “variety of viewpoints”
If the past is any predictor of the future, we are less than three weeks away from the Wheeling Intelligencer’s annual exercise in self-praise -- its anniversary editorial. On August 24, for at least the last decade, the Intelligencer editorial page has printed the same editorial: one that proclaims to its readers that the Intelligencer is a . . .
Keeping up with the WV Trump Party
Easier said than done
WV Senator Shelley Moore Capito
Capito, yesterday, lectured the Democrats on changing the Supreme Court rules:
The Biden-Harris administration didn’t like how some of the #SCOTUS cases were decided, so their solution is to change the rules.
That’s not strengthening democracy or protecting the rule of law. . . .