The Wheeling Alternative
Coal news
Patriot Coal's Bankruptcy
Propublica and a number of other sources are covering the Patriot Coal bankruptcy and what it is doing to the coal-mining retirees who were promised continued health benefits:
When the plan was filed in U.S. bankruptcy court in Richmond last week, however, one group didn’t come out so well: . . .
Posted in: murray coalpatriot coalwheeling newspapers
Quick takes
Manchin will not re-introduce his gun bill
According to the Washington Post:
West Virginia Democrat Joe Manchin, the co-sponsor of failed legislation to expand background checks for gun purchases, doesn’t have any plans to revive the measure in the wake of the Oregon shooting.
“We don’t have any statement on the . . .
Posted in: gun controljoe manchinwv teachers
Morrisey Watch 11
Investigating Planned Parenthood
You had to figure that this was inevitable -- from Metro News about our needs-to-be-in-the-spotlight attorney general:
State Attorney General Patrick Morrisey is throwing his public support behind legislative efforts to investigate Planned Parenthood in West Virginia in the wake of questions about the organization’s alleged . . .
Don Blankenship leaves his mark on WV politics
Gazette-Mail investigative piece explains how this happened
This past Sunday the Gazette-Mail ran a very detailed front-page investigation by David Gutman into the influence that Don Blankenship's aides have had on recent state politics:
There is no record of Blankenship making any political donations in West Virginia in 2014, and Republicans made unprecedented gains — winning the . . .
Posted in: don blankenshipwv politics
Abortion extremism and Barry Goldwater
Mike Myer's Saturday column
It's been a busy couple of days for me but I did want to make a few comment on Mike Myer's Saturday column, "Who Are You Calling 'Extremist'?" Myer discusses the abortion issue using a recent Gallup Poll that found that 29% believe in abortion under any circumstance, 19% totally oppose it, and 51% believe that it . . .
Posted in: abortionbarry goldwatermike myer
RSS feed may be fixed
I received word earlier this afternoon that Silvrback may have figured out what the problem was with my RSS feed. (Some subscribers were getting it and some were not.) The problem appears to be that Comcast's spam filters were apparently viewing the emails as spam.
Okay, one more request. If you signed-up for RSS and didn't . . .
"Blessed are the cheesemakers" - the problem of interpreting the words of religious leaders
Re-interpreting a message to suit our ends -- we all do it. For the pope's most recent messages about the environment and the poor, you had to figure that our local "newspapers" would have to do it in order to keep a cognitive balance. Here is Newsweek's conclusion about his speech to Congress on Thursday:
In . . .