With ONLY 15 months left until the WV primary, the Republican race for the U.S. Senate nomination is heating up
Alex Mooney is already attacking Jim Justice and WV media, remembering the income generated from the McKinley-Mooney contest, want to know “when will the attack ads begin?”
Earlier today, from Alex Mooney:
Big RINO Jim Justice can’t win a truly contested Republican primary. He’s a big supporter of Biden’s $1.2 trillion non-infrastructure bill and proposed the largest tax increase in the history of WV.
— Alex . . .
West Virginia Republicans are conservative and don’t want Big RINO Jim. pic.twitter.com/TBZnxcvigA
Today's Wheeling Intelligencer: Lets not let the facts get in the way of our effort to score political points for the Republican Party
Here is the headline from one of yesterday's Associated Press stories on the situation in East Palestine, Ohio:
Today's Wheeling Intelligencer did not use this AP story choosing instead, a more local story. I have no problem with the paper's decision to feature an article about East Palestine residents seeking . . .
Posted in: east palestineogden newspaper bias
Guns and West Virginia
February 14, 2023 (The day after another mass shooting)
Guns: our politicians love using them
West Virginia State Treasurer Riley Moore:
Your financial information belongs to YOU, not the financial institutions colluding with anti-gun activists to create back-door gun registries.
Every state should follow our lead and protect the financial privacy of citizens . . .
Have I unknowingly slipped into some kind of alternative reality?
Earlier today, John McCabe, Editorial Director for Ogden Newspapers, criticized Fox News tweeting that the news channel was “garbage and an embarrassment to the industry”
I am still stunned. Here was McCabe’s tweet:
When in the world did this level of crap — “mannequin president” — become acceptable? Like @POTUS or not, think he’s doing the job or not, he’s still the president. @FoxNews is garbage and an embarrassment to the industry I give my life to each day. pic.twitter.com/pDDbr4qwPD
— John McCabe . . .
Just in time for the State of the Union, the Wheeling Intelligencer prints Senator Capito’s opinion piece on “Biden Policies Hurting America”
Additionally, Capito’s T-ball coach joins West Virginia stenographers to tee one up for the senator
Today’s Wheeling Intelligencer op-ed by WV’s West Virginia’s Republican senator blames President Biden's policies for America’s inflation. Not surprisingly, Shelley Moore Capito’s message has not changed in two years: the inflation is all Biden’s fault. Sadly, in that period, with the exception of pipelines, Capito has never mentioned . . .
Balloons, Republicans, guns, and scapegoats
It’s been a tough week for spy balloons and the Republican search for a scapegoat
The Chinese spy balloon, and what to do about it, became a major story earlier this week. A number of online Republicans were especially worried about it. Some of them believed that individual citizens should personally take care of the balloon rather than waiting for the government to act. Here’s Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor . . .
Sometimes slopes are very slippery!
Nazi homeschooling goes beyond even my worst-case scenario
Grammarly tells us that “the slippery slope fallacy is a logical fallacy that claims one event or action will lead to another, more extreme event or action.” It’s a common fallacy in arguments, especially (it seems to me), when we sense we are losing and desperation sets in: “next thing you know, they’ll be (fill in with something outrageous . . .