Documenting the locals' anti-Clinton agenda 2
with afternoon update
Two weeks ago I wrote about a couple of days' worth of anti-Clinton articles and columns found in our local "newspapers." Since I don't believe that this was a one-of-a-kind occurrence or that a newfound commitment to objectivity or a sense of fairness will suddenly overcome the editors, it may be time to create a separate . . .
Posted in: anti-clinton biashillary clinton
Morrisey watch 16
Finally, Attorney General Morrisey's drug conflict-of-interest makes the national news
The third story on tonight's CBS Evening News after Clinton's attack on Trump's foreign policy qualifications and more news about Prince's opioid problems was an excellent 4-minute segment on West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey's conflict-of-interest with the drug companies that have compounded the state's . . .
Posted in: patrick morriseywv drug problems
The Trump candidacy and WV's senators
Joe Manchin, having watched the WV election results to see which way the wind blows, says that he could work with a President Trump
Politico recently did an article on how moderate Democrats, like WV's Joe Manchin, might deal with a President Trump:
Manchin, who represents a state in which Obama is very unpopular . . .
Posted in: donald trumpjoe manchinshelley moore capito
Yet another ethically-challenged editorial from the Intelligencer
This morning's Intelligencer editorial follows the same playbook as last Monday's editorial on the WASPs : pick a topic that was not covered originally by the "newspaper," misinterpret and lie about what happened, and then conclude that it's all the Democrats' fault.
Today's "Ryan Should Take Hard . . .
Posted in: ethical journalismintelligencer editorialmost unethical editorial awardwheeling newspaper ethics
Question: What's Joe Manchin been doing lately?
Answer: Getting himself in trouble with far-righties and veteran's groups
In trouble for even considering Justice Merrick Garland
Politico discussed earlier this month the Judicial Crisis Network's new ad praising
West Virginia AG Morrisey for his work against the EPA and criticizing Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin for refusing to oppose Obama's Supreme Court nominee, Merrick Garland. The . . .
Posted in: joe manchin
Local favorite McKinley gets front-page coverage with another PR release
(Note -- I was away for a few days and then busier than I thought I'd be when I returned -- for the next few posts I'll be catching up on what I missed from last week. )
On Friday, both the morning and afternoon "newspapers" printed a front-page article about local representative David McKinley's appointment to . . .
Posted in: david mckinleyu.s. energy policy
Still no budget
Of course, it's the Democrats' fault -- it's always their fault
From this morning's Intelligencer editorial on the state's budget problems:
Politics - with some in the Legislature's Democrat Party minority blocking reasonable action by Republicans - has made the budget-balancing process frustrating for all concerned, including taxpayers.
The Democrats are blocking . . .
Posted in: dumbest editorial awardintelligencer editorialrepublican legislaturewest virginia state government