The Wheeling Alternative
The Intelligencer spins Capito’s vote
Regardless, the bottom line is that Capito lied to us
Today’s lead editorial in the Wheeling Intelligencer tells us "Capito,Portman Priorities Right"because, as the editorial sees it, they do what’s best for their constituents rather than what is best for the Republican Party.
To support the premise, the editorial describes some of their critics:
One television . . .
Journalism on the cheap
Ogden Newspapers' business plan
A lot of what I write about on this blog deals with Wheeling's newspapers' right-wing Republican agenda that permeates the paper beyond the editorial page where it belongs. To that end, I often analyze and document the non-editorial page stories they choose not to carry as well as those they do. While I seldom note their ineptitude on . . .
"The moderates always cave"
Here's Senator Capito's justification
Senator Shelley Moore Capito earlier today:
My statement on motion to proceed:
— Shelley Moore Capito (@SenCapito) July 25, 2017
Posted in: shelley moore capitotrumpcare
Senator Capito in the news
(with 7/25 update)
Can the Republicans still secure her vote on the Obamacare replacement they propose this week?
For what it's worth, a number of online political sources still see the possibility that Majority Leader Mitch McConnell might be able to convince enough key Republican senators like Capito to pass a new Republican plan to replace . . .
Posted in: shelley moore capitotrumpcare
Reading the Sunday opinion section
Getting behind Trump
Draining the swamp
Mike Myer becomes a Trump true-believer
Today's Mike Myer column, "Fear Real For Swamp Critters," is about defending Trump and to that end, he wants to talk about Trump's efforts to "drain the swamp":
Both Republican and Democrat leaders first underestimated Trump, . . .
Posted in: david mckinleymike myertrump presidency
Revisiting America's worst state for business
A look at a predictable editorial
This morning the Wheeling Intelligencer finally commented on last week’s CNBC analysis that ranked West Virginia as America’s worst state for business. The editorial, “Blame Game No Solution for W.Va.,” argues that instead of pointing fingers, as Governor Justice recently did in a press release, he should be providing “solutions or . . .
Capito does the right thing
Repeal now/replace later is now dead
From the New York Times:
With their bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act in tatters, Senate leaders on Tuesday pushed to vote on a different measure that would repeal major parts of President Barack Obama’s health law without a replacement — but that plan appeared also to collapse.
Senators Susan Collins of . . .
Posted in: shelley moore capitotrumpcare