McKinley town halls 6
Final August recess scorecard
August recess totals from Town Hall Project:
Representative David McKinley's total = 0
In fairness to the congressman, he did occasionally meet with business leaders, politicians, veterans, and on one occasion, a restricted small group of private citizens during his five-week recess vacation.
Posted in: david mckinleytown hall meetings
Trump puts former coal CEO with "pattern" of safety violations in charge of mine safety
Next up for Trump -- fox to be put in charge of henhouse
The announcement
From the Huffington Post:
The White House announced Saturday that Trump would be nominating David Zatezalo to run the Mine Safety and Health Administration. Zatezalo was previously the CEO of Rhino Resources, a Kentucky-based coal company.
Local coverage
Zatezalo grew up in . . .
Where did the 100,000 jobs and the $36 billion investment figures come from?
Despite what Wheeling's papers tell you, it wasn't a WVU study
On Wednesday, the top-of-the-front-page headline in both Wheeling papers highlighted what looked to be an important story for the Ohio Valley:
Ethane Storage Could Bring 100,000 Jobs
The sub-headline further explained:
WVU study looks at possible $36B investment
And here is the story . . .
Which politician has the highest current approval rating in West Virginia?
The latest MetroNews Poll is out
Earlier today, MetroNews published its poll of approval/disapproval ratings for West Virginia's politicians. Here are the results:
Manchin 51% approval, 34% disapproval
Trump 48% approval, 39% disapproval
Capito 40% approval, 38% disapproval
Justice 34% approval, 44% . . .
Project much?
The News-Register weighs in on aid to Hurricane Harvey victims
In an editorial, "No Room for Politics in Disaster Relief," the afternoon "newspaper" attacks Democrats for something the Republicans did with Hurricane Sandy aid:
It has been suggested by some that politics will play a role in how quickly and decisively Congress responds to the massive flood disaster . . .
Cheerleading for Trump
So much for Murray Energy
Last week I wrote about Robert Murray and Murray Energy's attempt to get relief for coal fired power plants from the Trump administration. If you follow the coal industry, this was an important story. As the Associated Press reported:
The Trump administration has rejected a coal industry . . .
McKinley town halls 5
Still no town halls. Where's David?
See if you can find Representative McKinley. (A hint -- look for Waldo. Rumor has it that after years of traveling the world, Waldo finally settled down and took a job as a coal ash lobbyist -- that's why our representative is near by.)
What's the congressman been doing?
August 9 to August 21
I . . .
Posted in: 2017 summer recessdavid mckinley