The Wheeling Alternative
The Wheeling News-Register lends what credibility it has left to yet another conspiracy theory
Forget Benghazi and Russian uranium deals, it's the "deep state"
Earlier this week, a number of congressional Republicans hyped a story that some FBI agents were part of a "secret society" that was conspiring against President Trump. According to two Republican representatives, new evidence had surfaced in a text message between two FBI agents that proved the existence of such a group. . . .
Murray Energy and the Trump administration
With a picture of Robert Murray and Rick Perry that you weren't supposed to see
Contributions and then policy
From yesterday’s New York Times, an article titled:
Trump Groups Raised Millions, Then Paid It Out to Loyalists and a Trump Hotel
It begins:
A pair of groups supporting President Trump say they raised $30 million last year, then spent tens of thousands of those . . .
Posted in: murray energyrick perry
Sexual harassment (with 1/26 update)
According to the local papers, is it something only Democrats do? And is it all Obama's fault?
In a 17-day period two months ago, the two Wheeling “newspapers” carried 23 articles that mentioned John Conyers, a Democratic African-American congressman from Michigan. (See here.) In the same period, there were three editorials that dealt only with Conyers. Both the articles and editorials dealt with the harassment charges against Conyers . . .
What’s Senator Joe been saying and doing?
Manchin: “This place sucks.” (But he’ll run anyway.)
From the New York Times:
Senator Joe Manchin III of West Virginia told colleagues on Tuesday that he intended to run for re-election this year after all, ending an anxiety-making flirtation with retirement and easing Democratic fears that the most conservative . . .
Posted in: dreamersjoe manchin
The Trump administration had done next to nothing about the opioid epidemic
And our local “newspapers” have said nothing about it
Earlier today I googled “Trump response to the opioid epidemic” under “news.” (Go ahead and see what comes up.) At 5 PM a Vox article topped the list. The headline:
Trump’s pathetic response to the opioid epidemic
And the sub-headline:
The consensus from experts and advocates: “a lot of talk, little . . .
What important bills are being considered by the West Virginia legislature?
The answer depends upon which newspaper you read
There’s a media theory that argues that our mass media influence us more by what they choose to talk about than what they say about the subject. Agenda-setting theory, as it’s called, argues that that the media are important in our culture primarily because they tell us what we should think about rather than telling us what to think.*
. . .Time for a reality check: an Intelligencer editorial about who's to blame for a government shutdown
Yes, it will be the fault of congressional liberals whose power far exceeds their numbers
Liberals are to blame: it’s an old Intelligencer argument. For example, readers may not know this but liberals intimidated the West Virginia's legislature (see here) back in 2016 and they also attempted to shut down the government earlier this year (here). Accordingly, if the government does shut down tomorrow, readers will need to forget . . .