Ogden: Newspapers and baseball on the cheap
Two recent stories that didn’t make the local “newspapers”
Ogden buys Ogden (UT) newspaper and then lays off 29 employees
From the Associated Press on Saturday:
SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — The Standard-Examiner newspaper has let go of 29 employees as it undergoes a transfer to new ownership.
The northern Utah newspaper reports that the employees were told Thursday their positions . . .
Attention Senator Ferns: Some teachers didn’t wait until November to remember
Please note how anti-union state senator Robert Karns (R – Upshur) got schooled earlier this week
West Virginia State Senator Robert Karns (R - Upshur) looked to be your basic garden variety of anti-union Republican. As the Charleston Gazette-Mail described him:
. . .Sen. Robert Karnes, R-Upshur, has sparred with unions and voted for bills they oppose, such as the right-to-work bill or prevailing wage repeal in 2016.
Posted in: ryan fernsteacher unionswv teachers
Post-election Blankenship news
Trump and Manchin react, McConnell jokes (really!)
Blankenship blames Trump for loss
From Politico:
“I think if there was any single factor based on the polling at different times, the debates, and all the things I saw, it was probably President Trump’s lack of endorsement — I don’t know what to call it, but ‘Don’t vote for Don’ tweet,” he said. “I don’t know what else . . .
Posted in: don blankenshipjoe manchinmitch mcconnell
President Trump at his most humble
On whether he deserves the Nobel Peace Prize
From CNN earlier today:
Trump was asked by a reporter while holding a Cabinet meeting at the White House whether he deserved the honor, to which the President replied with a large smile: "Everyone thinks so, but I would never say it."
Republican Deathmatch 7
Down the stretch they come and Blankenship is gaining on the leaders
It's appears to be getting very close
Politico reported on Saturday night that recent Republican internal polls suggested that Don Blankenship had made significant gains on his two rivals. A few minutes ago, the conservative Weekly Standard claimed to have the specifics:
The results of an internal campaign poll . . .
Posted in: deathmatchdon blankenshipevan jenkinspatrick morriseyrepublican candidateswheeling intelligencer
Knowing how to use local TV news is an important skill for incumbents
And David McKinley certainly knows his stuff (5/5 -- updated with the video)
Citizens are often heard to grumble “throw them all out” but when voters get to the voting booth, it seldom happens. As I discussed two weeks ago, incumbent politicians have many advantages over any challenger and most incumbents quickly learn how to use them. Not the least of their advantages is the ability to manipulate local TV news . . .
Posted in: mark curtis
Candidate Evan Jenkins nominates Donald Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize
In other news -- online dictionary considers posting Jenkins' picture next to definition of "sycophant"
Breaking news from the Evan Jenkins website:
U.S. Representative Evan Jenkins (R-W.Va.) has nominated President Donald Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize in recognition of his work to end to the Korean War, denuclearize the Korean peninsula, and bring peace to the region.
The definition of "sycophant" from . . .
Posted in: donald trumpevan jenkins