Trump, North Korea, and the Nobel Peace Prize
Rolling Stone asks Representative McKinley if he still supports the Trump-for-the-Nobel-Prize letter he co-signed earlier this month
On Friday, Rolling Stone asked the 18 Republican congressman about the letter to the Nobel Peace Prize committee they sent earlier this month: did they still support President Trump for the peace prize?
As of this morning, only three had replied and West Virginia’s David McKinley and Evan Jenkins were not among them. (For the record, . . .
Which is more important? Police dogs and deputies in Bethesda, Ohio or Trump/North Korea?
At least the Intelligencer is consistent
The top story this morning in major newspapers across the United States:
Clearly, President Trump's decision to cancel the meeting with North Korea was this morning's important national story.
The top story in this morning's Wheeling Intelligencer was:
. . .Tumult Continues in Bethesda
Mike Huckabee: humorist? plagiarist?
A follow-up to yesterday’s post
Today, our local papers gave front page coverage to yesterday’s keynote address by Mike Huckabee to the local health symposium sponsored by The Health Plan. (See previous post.) Local reporter Joselyn King covered Huckabee’s reflections on America’s health care system as well his personal stories which he claimed illustrated his larger point . . .
Posted in: huckabee
Mike Huckabee to speak at local health forum
A simple question: why?
We learned from the front page of this morning's Wheeling Intelligencer that the former governor of Arkansas and twice Republican candidate for president will give the final address at a health forum sponsored by the Health Plan:
Mike Huckabee, a former Republican presidential candidate and former governor of Arkansas, is . . .
Defending President Trump
The locals display their partisanship on the front and editorial pages
It’s not all that subtle. Revelations that major news sources bring us about Trump’s possible Russian connections and the questionable finances surrounding the president, his family, and supporters seldom make the local papers. Likewise, indictments and guilty pleas connected to the Mueller investigation that make headlines elsewhere are . . .
Is it asking too much to expect an editorial writer to do research?
Yet another clueless editorial on sports betting
From Saturday morning’s editorial (“Get Integrity Plan in Place”) about West Virginia sports betting:
One defect in the Mountain State law is the absurdly low cut of proceeds from sports betting that will go to the state — a paltry 10 percent. Pennsylvania, one of the few other states with sports betting statutes in place, sets . . .
Posted in: jim justicesports bettingwheeling intelligencer editorialworst editorial of the year award
It’s a “public relations nightmare” and so Pruitt’s EPA buries an important water study (with afternoon update)
A few Republicans (WV’s Capito, for one) are critical
Politico is reporting:
When Pruitt returns to Capitol Hill Wednesday, he will likely be asked to explain why EPA helped to bury a federal study that would have increased warnings about toxic chemicals found in hundreds of water supplies across the country. A handful of Republicans were quick to demand answers after POLITICO . . .