It’s all Biden’s fault!
A look at today's Wheeling Intelligencer editorial page
Today’s Wheeling Intelligencer editorial praises the American economy and its low unemployment rate which is currently 3.9%. It then contrasts this rate with 2020:
Three years ago, during the ravages of the COVID-19 pandemic, our nation’s unemployment rate was 6.9%. Just six months earlier at the beginning of COVID-19, it was . . .
Posted in: alex mooneyjoe bidenogden bias
Politicians as university presidents?
A look at Ohio's Bill Johnson and West Virginia's Robin Capehart
Bill Johnson
In yesterday’s Ohio Capitol Journal:
Commentary: Everything about the YSU Board of Trustees' opaque maneuvers to quickly install right wing Trump apparatchik and notorious election denier Bill Johnson as the university’s 10th president is appalling.
— Ohio Capital Journal . . .
By @JohanekMarilou
Posted in: bill johnsonrobin capehart
Keeping up with WV’s Trump Party
Riley Moore (Congressional District 2 candidate)
Here’s Moore working as Trump’s hit man going after Trump’s perceived enemies on rightwing media:
Looking forward to joining @OANN to discuss Nikki Haley’s alarming connections to the ESG movement and BlackRock!
— Riley Moore (@RileyMooreWV) November 18, 2023 . . .
How others see us
PBS does Steubenville, Ohio
On Thursday evening, the PBS News Hour aired a ten minute segment on Steubenville, Ohio narrated by Judy Woodruff:
Steubenville, Ohio, was once a powerhouse of American manufacturing. But like many communities that depended on the steel industry, it has struggled to find its place in the modern economy as the country as a whole . . .
Politicians running the university?
Doesn’t higher education have enough problems?
Congressman Bill Johnson to Youngstown State University?
Here is the front-page headline from this morning’s Wheeling Intelligencer:
Johnson Offered Top Post At YSU
When I first saw the headline, I wondered who “Johnson” might be. Imagine my surprise when I read further -- it was local Ohio congressman . . .
Updating the Justice/Mooney U.S. Senate battle
The candidates, a poll, and some thoughts on the WV Trump Party (with 11/16 Intelligencer update)
Representative Alex Mooney attends a rightwing conference in Paris, France
The conference
Mike Johnson to headline Paris event aimed at global 'right-wing alliance'
— Raw Story (@RawStory) November 10, 2023
Speaker of the House Mike Johnson was originally supposed to be the headline speaker but . . .
Posted in: 2024 republican senate primary2024 wv senate racealex mooneydonald trumpjim justicejoe manchinwheeling intelligencerwv trump party
Cheap shot artist Riley Moore is at it again
WV’s treasurer and Republican congressional district 2 candidate attacks Senator Elizabeth Warren
Yesterday, Riley Moore attacked a tweet by Senator Elizabeth Warren:
You send this out a day after an elderly Jewish man was killed in California by a Palestinian protester. WTH is going on in your head???
— Riley Moore (@RileyMooreWV) November 7, 2023
Moore, however, says nothing about what Warren . . .
Posted in: antisemitismriley moorewv stenographer