At yesterday’s coronavirus briefing, President Trump suggested ultraviolet light and injecting disinfectants as possible treatments for the coronavirus (with updates)
Trump covered other subjects -- his briefing is news and yet there is no mention of it in this morning’s Wheeling Intelligencer
Here is some video from yesterday’s briefing:
— David Leavitt (@David_Leavitt) April 23, 2020
As doctors and Lysol were quick to point out, drinking or injecting a disinfectant is an incredibly dangerous thing to do.
Did our morning “newspaper” cover any of this? . . .
More quotes, tweets, and articles from around the Web
From President Trump earlier today
I have instructed the United States Navy to shoot down and destroy any and all Iranian gunboats if they harass our ships at sea.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 22, 2020
This is from the same president who reminded us last July 4th of the important role our airports played during . . .
Posted in: coronavirusscott pruitttrump presidency
Some stay-at-home odds and ends from Twitter
A rally, the Texas Lt. Governor, and some polling
Here’s a rally you may have missed
“If you’re sick still come”.
— Vote Dem for the Planet (@Brasilmagic) April 20, 2020
This made the rounds on Sunday and it apparently was for real. According to the Staten Island Advance, however, no one showed-up except for the police. (I wonder why?)
By . . .
Posted in: coronavirus
Today’s Intelligencer editorial describes Ohio governor Mike DeWine’s efforts at “Getting Back To ‘Normalcy’” (with 4/21 update)
But there is not a single word about DeWine’s prerequisite: increased testing
This morning's Wheeling Intelligencer editorial praises the Ohio governor’s efforts and his hope to begin opening Ohio by early May. However, there is nothing in the editorial, or for that matter, the paper’s news section about DeWine efforts to increase testing*. Here is one of yesterday’s AP reports that the Intelligencer could have . . .
Posted in: coronaviruswheeling intelligencer editorial
Trump and some of his supporters on opening the country
Views and reviews
Trump on Friday
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 17, 2020
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 17, 2020
LIBERATE VIRGINIA, and save your great 2nd Amendment. It is under siege!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 17, 2020
Senator Murphy (D - CT) . . .
Posted in: coronavirus
No surprise: The Wheeling Intelligencer's editor wants to open the economy
In a column about the coronavirus, the word “Trump” doesn’t appear but it’s still a win-win-win situation for the President and that’s all that matters
Today’s Mike Myer column begins by paraphrasing Ben Franklin (without giving him credit):
Those who would sacrifice their freedom for a little safety deserve neither, it has been said. But we do it all the time, and the civil libertarians don’t seem to have a problem.
(They do have a problem, Mike – you either . . .
Wow! That's quite an honor, Shelley
I am honored @realDonaldTrump has selected me to serve on his Congressional Economic Task Force. I look forward to working with him to chart a path forward to reopening our country and rebuilding our economy.
— Shelley Moore Capito (@SenCapito) April 16, 2020
From CBS News:
The White House released the names of the . . .
Posted in: shelley moore capito