Wheeling Hospital sets up a tent for non-covid patients. Isn’t this an important story by itself?
Why is it buried on page 6 in the middle of their daily covid report?
The local Wheeling papers usually run daily updates on the local/regional covid situation. Buried in today’s article are these two paragraphs:
Meanwhile, the COVID-19 surge in the Northern Panhandle has forced Wheeling Hospital to install a semi-permanent tent outside the hospital’s emergency-trauma department.
“The tent, . . .
Posted in: coronavirusogden newspaperswheeling hospital
Shelley Moore Capito earlier today: Trump’s call to the Georgia Secretary of State was “inappropriate”
Once again, strong words from West Virginia’s Republican senator!
Earlier today, Senator Shelley Moore Capito was on Hoppy Kercheval’s talk show on WV Metro News. Capito was first asked if she agreed with the efforts by some Republicans to overturn the results of the presidential election. Capito did not agree with the efforts but she did think that there was reason to investigate the election. Capito then . . .
Ogden Newspapers potpourri
An editorial? We won’t even see coverage of Trump’s phone call!
Joe Lockhart, a communication analyst who served in the Clinton administration, is referring to Trump's attempt to get the Georgia Secretary of State to change the results of the state's presidential election:
Is there a single newspaper in this country who . . .
Posted in: newspapers on the cheapogden newspapers
“Play that funky music till you die”
Chronicling Republican leadership in a worsening pandemic
The Greenbriar’s New Year’s Eve Party
Partygoers rang in the new year last night at Governor Justice’s resort, with COVID protocols apparently optional. Meanwhile, the Governor won’t let high school sports begin until March 1. Kids continue to sacrifice while adults celebrate. pic.twitter.com/YhypNKGGk0
— William Ihlenfeld II . . .
Posted in: coronavirusjim justicetrump presidency
How they voted
How WV's congressional delegation voted on the critical votes this week.
Most non-Ogden newspapers that I'm familiar with usually keep its readers informed on how their local congressional delegation voted on important legislation. (If it's not in a story about the bill, it's usually under the headline "How They Voted.") In the absence of such a newspaper locally, here via govtrack.us is how . . .
The coronavirus? The elections?
According to the local papers, what was the Ohio Valley’s top story for 2020?
No, it wasn’t the coronavirus, and it wasn’t the November elections. It was
Moundsville Police Department Unveils Tactical Resource Vehicle
Some background
For a number of years, the Wheeling papers have published an end-of-the-year review of the top stories in the Ohio Valley. This year-end . . .
Posted in: wheeling newspapers
“So what difference does a little election fraud here and there make?”
Our local editor asks us a loaded question to further the Republican cause
”Are you still beating your wife?”
How do you answer this question? Built into the question is a hidden premise: that at some time or another, you have beaten your wife. Consequently, if you answer “yes,” you’re admitting that you are currently beating your wife and if you say “no,” you are admitting that you used to beat her but now . . .