Breaking news: Senator Joe Manchin announces he has left the Democratic Party
(I need to pay closer attention to the news -- I thought he did this years ago!)
From WV's senior senator:
My commitment to do everything I can to bring our country together has led me to register as an independent with no party affiliation.
— Senator Joe Manchin (@Sen_JoeManchin) May 31, 2024
An interesting move given the previous speculation that had it that the Democratic . . .
Posted in: joe manchin
The justice system be damned: it’s about loyalty to our leader! (with Capito update)
The West Virginia Trump Party reacts to the Trump verdict
Treasurer and WV#2 candidate Riley Moore
Juries are good only when I agree with their decision:
This verdict is a disgrace. A sad day for our country.
— Riley Moore (@RileyMooreWV) May 30, 2024
But President Trump will emerge from this stronger and he WILL win in November.
Attorney General and gubernatorial candidate . . .
Intelligencer editorials (5/29/2024)
Please ignore that AP report we published last week; it’s still President Biden’s fault
Today’s lead editorial, “Standing Up for Domestic Energy,” questions the decision to release oil from the country’s oil reserves. As the first two paragraphs of the editorial describe it, this is President Biden’s fault:
President . . .
Posted in: wheeling intelligencer editorial
Trump pledges to commute a convicted drug trafficker
And the silence from the WV Trump Party is matched by the silence from state’s media
Here is Donald Trump at the Libertarian Convention last weekend:
Trump: If you vote for me, I will commute the sentence of Ross Ulbricht
— Acyn (@Acyn) May 26, 2024
Who is Ross Ulbricht? Here is the story:
Two days after sharing the stage with a gang member out on bond for conspiracy to commit . . .
Catching-up on Riley Moore
The election and an important issue facing this nation
Moore “tromps” his opponents
That’s according to conservative media:
Riley Moore tromps opponents in heated West Virginia Republican House primary
— Fox News (@FoxNews) May 15, 2024
But did he “tromp” his opponents?
I guess it depends upon your definition of “tromp.” Here are the . . .
Posted in: riley moore
The Trump Party race for governor
Is it a microcosm of what has happened to West Virginia?
You’ve probably noticed: the Trump Party candidates for governor have been running on fear -- there has been very little discussion of jobs or taxes or the state’s future. Instead, the focus has been one issue:
I’m sorry I have to laugh at West Virginia’s political commercials. The “radical transgender agenda.” lol. Has anyone seen the “ . . .
Posted in: patrick morriseywv republicanswv trump party
A cryptocurrency Super PAC just donated $713,000 to the Riley Moore political campaign
Is this political action committee about “saving American jobs” or did they just buy themselves another* West Virginia politician?
Yesterday, “Defend American Jobs” made a major contribution to WV 2 Republican candidate, Riley Moore:
Breaking news: Defend American Jobs has spent $713,230 on media buys to support Republican candidate Riley Moore in the House race in West Virginia. Stay tuned for more updates on the 2024 election. #Election2024 . . .
Posted in: jim justiceriley moore