The Wheeling Alternative
Running the gamut from Y to Z
Yes, it's the "wide range of viewpoints” found on the Wheeling Intelligencer's editorial page
Attention local readers: it's August 24. That means that it is time for the annual Wheeling Intelligencer birthday editorial that tells its readers what a great newspaper it is. From that editorial:
At the same time, our editorial pages attempt to present a wide range of viewpoints.
And the rest of the page is . . .
Covid updates
National, West Virginia, and the issues of racism and masking
The United States
The bigger picture:
The United States reported more than 1,000,000 new coronavirus cases in the last seven days for the first time since February 2, according to data from @CNN and Johns Hopkins University.
— Ryan Struyk (@ryanstruyk) August 21, 2021
West Virginia
The most recent WV . . .
On yesterday’s attempted bombing at the Capitol
The Intelligencer, Fox News, and Mo Brooks
The Intelligencer whitewashes any Trump connection from an AP article on yesterday’s attack at the Capitol
On page 6 of this morning’s Wheeling Intelligencer, you’ll find the following article:
Man Surrenders After Claiming To Have Bomb Near Capitol
What follows is the beginning (the first 40%) of an AP . . .
Posted in: fox newsmo brooksogden newspaper bias
Fox News now requires masks, daily health screenings, and a vaccine pass system of all employees
What has happened to FREEDOM at Fox News?
From Media Matters earlier today:
In an internal Fox memo obtained by Adweek, the company announced on Tuesday that in response to the delta variant, it was instructing “all employees —whether on site as part of our essential workforce or working remotely,” to enter their vaccination status into a human resources database. . . .
Posted in: coronavirusfair and balancedfox news
More on Afghanistan’s refugees
The response from the right: We feel sorry for the Afghans and we blame President Biden for their plight. (Hey, but that doesn’t mean we want Afghans coming here.)
From Fox’s Laura Ingraham
Ingraham: Is it really our responsibility to welcome thousands of refugees from Afghanistan?
— Acyn (@Acyn) August 17, 2021
From Fox’s Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson, already going there: "If history is any guide, and it’s always a guide, we will see many refugees from . . .
Biden’s decision to end the Afghan War
A look at the predictable Republican response
Earlier today, the Associated Press published
The costs of the Afghanistan war, in lives and dollars
From the "Human costs" section:
American service members killed in Afghanistan through April: 2,448.
U.S. contractors: 3,846. Afghan national military and police: 66,000. Other allied . . .
The subject is continuing unemployment benefits
Analysis from the WVCBC plus the Manchin and Fox News perspectives
Sean O’Leary at the West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy provides some background:
On June 19, Governor Justice ended all federally funded pandemic unemployment benefit programs, 12 weeks before they were set to expire. The benefits — which included an extra weekly $300 payment to unemployed workers, as well as extended . . .
Posted in: fox newsjoe manchinsean o'learywvcbc