Manchin: Pay attention to me!!! (with 7/22 update)
Hey, Joe: I thought you left the Democratic Party
"I will not be ignored!"
Just now, from independent (meaning no longer Democrat) Joe Manchin:
Sen. Joe Manchin, a West Virginia independent, says he's considering re-registering as a Democrat and running for president, sources say.
— CNN (@CNN) July . . .
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Posted in: 2024 electionjoe manchin
How’s that West Virginia economy doing?
A look at CNBC's “Best States” and other recent economic surveys
Since 2007, business channel CNBC has compiled, using various economic indicators, a “best states for business” survey. Over the years, I’ve followed that survey and when I began blogging in 2014, I started summarizing the state’s rankings to see how the rankings changed as the state’s politics swung from conservative Democratic to . . .
Posted in: cnbc surveywest virginia economy
From bad to worse?
Updating the continuing decline of the Monday Wheeling Intelligencer
The front page
Today’s top story:
New Speech Therapy Device at WLU Is ‘Lighting the Way’
This top-of-the-page article is about West Liberty University’s Speech and Hearing Behavioral Health Clinic acquiring a rehabilitation device to aid its work with speech therapy and dementia patients. It is an . . .
Bipartisan Joe for President!
Of what?
Manchin giving money to Republicans!
From West Virginia’s independent senator:
"I will reward people who have worked across the aisle and passed legislation, engaged in bipartisan conversation and stood up to the extremes," @Sen_Joe Manchin writes, announcing a new direction for his PAC.
— CNN Opinion . . .
Posted in: joe manchinwvu
We have a new clubhouse leader in the “2024 Dumbest X (formerly Twitter) Post by a West Virginia Politician” category
Update: A recent post by Riley Moore replaces an earlier one by Mike Stuart on Biden and Ginsburg
Previously, the 2024 leader in the "Dumbest X Post by a WV Politician" was WV state senator and attorney general candidate, Mike Stuart, who retweeted a post from a satiric site which claimed that President Biden had called for Justice Ginsburg’s retirement after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Colorado could not remove Donald . . .
Posted in: riley moore
More poop from WTOV-9
Our local Steubenville Broadcasting station continues to print and air Sinclair’s anti-Biden propaganda
As a follow-up to last week’s post on Sinclair Broadcasting’s anti-Biden propaganda (see previous post), Judd Legum is out with another Sinclair article which examines the source (the Republican National Committee) for Sinclair's anti-Biden articles and coverage and the extent to which that source distorts news reports. As Legum notes:
. . .Posted in: joe bidensinclair broadcastingwtov
WTOV Steubenville is just following orders
Dropping all pretense of objectivity and fairness, Sinclair Broadcasting’s WTOV-9 recently attacked President Biden’s fitness for office with a questionable Wall Street Journal report
Once again, local station WTOV Steubenville conformed to Sinclair Broadcasting’s rightwing bias by airing a Sinclair-scripted segment on President Biden's supposed mental decline. Earlier today, investigative reporters Judd Legum and Aaron Rupar documented here how Sinclair’s local stations were required to run the same news segment -- a . . .