Odds and ends from around the Web
Fossil Fuel News
Yesterday's New York Times tells us: "Fracking Chemicals Detected in Pennsylvania Drinking Water:"
An analysis of drinking water sampled from three homes in Bradford County, Pa., revealed traces of a compound commonly found in Marcellus Shale drilling fluids, according to a study published . . .
Shorter version of today's Intelligencer editorial: "We weren't there but that won't stop us from making up stuff."
It's a follow-up editorial to yesterday's front-page "fair and balanced" story about the WL Faculty Senate meeting.
Today's editorial continues where yesterday's front page editorializing left off (see post below). It begins:
How much control over discussion of ideas for West Liberty . . .
Photo arrives too late to accompany "fair and balanced" headline in morning Intelligencer
Here's the headline above the Intelligencer's front page article about yesterday's West Liberty Faculty Senate's "no confidence" vote for chief financial officer, Jack Wright :
Faculty Senate Has New Target
Here's the photo:
Note -- the Intelligencer does deserve kudos for . . .
Posted in: intelligencerwest liberty university
Morrisey watch 7
Surprise, surprise -- the Senior Vice-President of the West Virginia Coal Association praises Morrisey
Chris Hamilton, who is "Senior Vice President of the West Virginia Coal Association; chairman of the WV Business & Industry Council and member of the West Virginia Board of Coal Mine Health & Safety and West Virginia Diesel Commission,"has written an op-ed piece featured in the Logan Banner and the Charleston Daily Mail that . . .
Posted in: coal warsmorriseymurray coal
Coal mining
Mountaintop removal and some history
Documenting mountaintop removal
iLoveMountains.org is an invaluable resource if you care about the Appalachian mountains and what mountaintop removal is doing to them. The site is up with a new resource (with an interactive map) called "Communities at risk from mountaintop removal."
For years, it was . . .
Posted in: wv mining disasters
Fracking news update
stories not covered locally
Fracking companies going bankrupt
Bloomberg Business News is reporting that "Half of U.S. Fracking Companies Will Be Dead or Sold This Year."
Half of the 41 fracking companies operating in the U.S. will be dead or sold by year-end because of slashed spending by oil companies, an executive with Weatherford . . .
Posted in: fracking
Divorcing ourselves from reality
Renewable energy and the future of West Virginia
The McClatchy News Service published an article about the growth of jobs in the renewable energy sector on Wednesday. Here's the lede:
Far more jobs have been created in wind and solar in recent years than lost in the collapse of the coal industry, and renewable energy is poised for record growth in the United States this . . .
Posted in: alternative energycoal warsrenewables