The Wheeling Alternative
Blood on the Mountain
New documentary about coal and West Virginia premieres
The Sierra Club, the AFL-CIO, and Earthjustice hosted the world premier of Blood on the Mountain at the Workers Unite! Film Festival last night. Here is a description of the film from the film's website:
“Blood on the Mountain” is a searing investigation into the economic and environmental injustices that have resulted from . . .
Just make it up -- what to do when you have no evidence for your case
The Intelligencer on Obamacare
Today's attack on Obamacare by the Wheeling "newspapers" begins:
Mark this one down in your amazing-but-true book: Liberals in Congress admit they made a mistake on Obamacare.
With an introductory sentence like that you would expect to read the names of some of these liberals and then why they now . . .
Posted in: intelligencerliberalsobamacare
Making Sense?
Michael Myer on energy
Myer criticizes U.S. energy policy for not making sense
The Michael Myer column,"U.S. Energy Policy Makes No Sense," begins by taking us back 40 years:
More than one-fourth of the oil we use in this country comes from other nations. We import nearly twice as much as we did in 1973-74, when the Arab oil embargo . . .
Posted in: keystone pipelinemichael myer
Club for Growth to air commercials attacking Representative McKinley starting tomorrow
What have you done for us lately, David?
The National Journal is reporting that the Club for Growth (which has ties to the Koch brothers) will be sponsoring negative TV ads attacking Representative David McKinley starting tomorrow in WV's First Congressional District:
The conservative Club for Growth will launch a new round of TV and digital ads targeting four . . .
Posted in: david mckinley
Intelligencer encourages debates
(except when Republicans are involved)
Today's editorial on having Democratic candidates debate isn't about West Virginia but it does illustrate another Intelligencer hypocrisy. It seems that the paper is all in favor of debates if it means that the likely Democratic candidate might be hurt by them but conveniently avoids the subject when it's applied to Republicans.
. . .
Posted in: capitointelligencer editorial
Current reporting from the "war on coal"
Washington Post asks if the "war on coal" is really a "war on wasting energy"
Lost in all the hype on how the President's clean power plan is part of the "war on coal" is the distinct possibility that the plan would lower carbon emissions and make for more efficient use of energy resources. As Chris . . .
Posted in: climate changemckinleywar on coal
More of the same on climate change
Sunday editorial
Yes, it's another week and another unsurprising editorial on coal, Obama and the EPA. This one uses Capito's bill (see 2 posts down) as its starting point to make the same tired arguments as its predecessors:
Democrats blindly follow the President. Obama tells them what they should do rather than listening to their . . .
Posted in: climate changecoalnews-register editorial