First Energy looks for a place to dump its toxic coal ash
Little Blue, again
Earth Justice tells us about what is happening to coal ash just across the border in Greene and Fayette counties in Pennsylvania:
An application by FirstEnergy Generation, LLC to dump more toxic coal ash into a closed power plant landfill in Western Pennsylvania that is already leaking arsenic into groundwater has sparked strong . . .
Posted in: coal ashlittle bluemckinley
Another Ogden favorite - David McKinley
Tuesday's Intelligencer devotes two-thirds of a page's worth of coverage to his decision not to run for governor
In mid-May I wrote about the amount of positive publicity that two of our state politicians regularly receive from our local "newspapers." Senator Shelley Moore Capito and Republican state senator Ryan Ferns receive lots of coverage even though they haven't done all that much. Only two other state politicians regularly receive . . .
Two new videos
Iraq and the the Middle East
As a follow-up to yesterday's post on Iraq and war in the Middle East, here is a link to last night's The Daily Show with John Stewart with "America in the Middle East: Learning Curves are for Pussies."
(Note -- for some reason I could not embed this clip - the link takes you to the . . .
Posted in: iraqmoney in politics
Words from our local keyboard commando: it's time for America's sons and daughters to fight and die in yet another war
Back in the run-up to our invasion of Iraq in 2002 and 2003 some columnists and writers never missed a chance to urge the United States to attack Iraq. Saddam, they told us, had weapons of mass destruction -- chemical and nuclear weapons, and he, somehow or another, was connected to September 11, 2001. The voices who challenged them were . . .
Posted in: iraqmichael myer
Intelligencer edits global warming out of today's front page AP report
Here's a section of today's front page Intelligencer article from the Associated Press on Republican efforts to "rein in" the EPA:
The rules are among a host of regulations that majority Republicans have targeted for repeal or delay as they confront President Barack Obama on a second-term priority: his . . .
A surprise -- a good article on the coal layoffs in the Sunday News-Register
Local reporter Ian Hicks covered with sufficient detail and evidence the ramifications of the recent local coal layoffs. The article brought together a number of related stories including the recent WVU study. I especially liked that he looked at additional sources beyond simply relying on Murray Coal - especially for the number of outside . . .
Posted in: coalwheeling news-register
The Saturday Myer column
Column uses only seven of the ten Republican words -- "under" wins
That didn't take long (please see previous post). Mike Myer weighed in this morning with "Four States Hold Key on Coal." While the column was more about strategy ("here's what we should do about this" -- I like the assumption that . . .
Posted in: michael myerwar on coal