Why did the Intelligencer wait until today to cover a Wheeling story that happened Saturday night?
If you turn to the "Region" section (page 9) of today's (Thursday's) Intelligencer you will see a story by Fred Connors: "Crowd Throws Debris, Slurs at Law Enforcement." Here are the first two paragraphs:
Several people threw trash, bottles and other debris-and some racial slurs-toward Wheeling police . . .
Posted in: wheeling intelligencerwheeling police
Intelligencer covers Little Blue Run
A photo of the Little Blue Run area. (This is not the normal color of a pond.)
(source - Ohio Citizen Action)
The on-going problem of coal ash at Little Blue Run, located on the border of Pennsylvania and West Virginia at the top of WV's panhandle, has been around a while (I last wrote about it here). Little Blue Run is . . .
Which side are you on, Intelligencer?
The morning "newspaper" lectures the UMW
The lead Intelligencer editorial, "Planning Future for Miners," takes the United Mine Workers to task for having endorsed Obama in 2008. Apparently the president is to blame for all the jobs that have been lost in the coal industry. No, it isn't the increased mechanization that began decades ago or the rising cost of getting the . . .
"Intelligencer Deemed Historic" proclaims the Intelligencer front page
And the editorial page agrees!
We were due. Long overdue. It was early April when the Intelligencer last asserted how immensely important Wheeling's two "newspapers" are to the Ohio Valley. To make up for this deficiency, readers of today's Intelligencer were treated to a double-dose of "aren't we the greatest" in the form of a front-page . . .
Posted in: wheeling intelligencer
Attacking President Obama
Going to extremes
I don't remember exactly when the Intelligencer started featuring Erick Erickson's political column but he appears to have become one of their go-to columnists when the paper's extremist outrage needs to be expressed. (See an earlier post about Erickson's views on Charleston and the confederate flag in June.) Erickson has said . . .
Another useless front-page story featuring Murray Energy President Robert Murray
When I saw the original AP story previewing yesterday's Republican dinner back on July 7, I knew it would be a front page story. I tried to find someone to bet that it would make the front page but, alas, I could find no takers. Yes, Robert Murray was in Wheeling yesterday to address the Ohio County Republican Party's Lincoln Day . . .
Posted in: robert murraywar on coalwv republicans
Intelligencer backs Kasich
With an edited front-page AP report and an enthusiastic editorial, the Wheeling Intelligencer made it clear that Ohio Govenor John Kasich is their current favorite in the 2016 presidential election. Kasich officially announced for the presidency yesterday and today the Intellgencer began its campaign to get him elected.
If you read . . .