They're out to get us, but "we let them get away with it"-- Myer mails in another column
Saturday's Michael Myer column, "We Let Them Get Away With It," is ostensibly about Senator Capito's bill to limit the EPA actions on coal but it's just another predictable attack on liberals with the usual suspects and the same lack of developed arguments.
The column's targets include the president and . . .
Posted in: liberalsmichael myerobamawar on coal
Donald Trump, the Republican debate, Fox News, and Wheeling's "newspapers"
Fox News is now running the Republican Party. I am no fan of Donald Trump but it was clear from the first minute of the debate that Fox News had decided that Trump must go. From the attempt at public shaming for not supporting a future nominee to hardball questions throughout, Fox gave up any pretext that it would be a fair debate. In so . . .
It's not a "vendetta," it's called "market forces"
The Charleston Gazette on the EPA rules, Obama's proposals, and the future of coal
This morning's lead editorial in the Charleston Gazette discusses the recent EPA plan:
(C)ritics like to say such a plan to reduce emissions that contribute to climate change is some misguided or unfair effort to reconfigure the energy industry.
However, the energy industry has already reconfigured itself. That was done . . .
Posted in: charleston gazetteobamawar on coal
More vendetta stuff from the Intelligencer
Can the Intelligencer get more petty? This morning's editorial asks why Hawaii (along with Alaska and Vermont) was exempted from the recent EPA rules on fossil fuels. (Actually, according to the referenced AP article, Alaska and Hawaii were not "exempted," they were given "deferments" by the EPA.) The editorial then . . .
Posted in: war on coalwheeling intelligencer
More pro-Kasich editorials
Back on July 22 the Intelligencer,with not much subtlety, began its campaign to get Ohio's Republican governor, John Kasich, elected president. With a front-page AP story missing most of the original's negative paragraphs, the Intelligencer covered his official entry into the Republican sweepstakes. On the editorial page, we then . . .
Posted in: john kasichwheeling intelligencer
Myer on the Iran agreement
Agreeing with Huckabee without mentioning his name
This morning's Michael Myer's column is about how the recent nuclear weapons pact is "Sending Wrong Message to Iran" and half of the column follows the frequently-used conservative argument that the Iran deal is just like the 1938 Munich agreement. Here's Myer:
Obama's strategy has been compared to the . . .
Posted in: huckabeeiranmichael myer
Why did the Intelligencer wait until today to cover a Wheeling story that happened Saturday night?
If you turn to the "Region" section (page 9) of today's (Thursday's) Intelligencer you will see a story by Fred Connors: "Crowd Throws Debris, Slurs at Law Enforcement." Here are the first two paragraphs:
Several people threw trash, bottles and other debris-and some racial slurs-toward Wheeling police . . .
Posted in: wheeling intelligencerwheeling police