"National Geografox" -- a reaction to the news that National Geographic was bought by Fox News
As you probably know, The National Geographic was recently taken over by Fox News. Ruben Bolling, who does the "Tom the Dancing Bug" comic, gives us a preview of the changes:
Posted in: fox news
World's largest PR firm drops climate change deniers and coal companies
Okay, it's probably not likely that they're doing it because of some moral imperative; the reasons are most likely connected to their bottom line. Still, it's interesting news that the largest public relations firm in the world (Edelman) has said that it will no longer do business with coal companies and climate change deniers . . .
Intelligencer: we cover what the pope says only when he agrees with us
with update -- Wednesday evening
Echoing their limited and biased coverage of the papal encyclical on climate change last May, this morning's Intelligencer edited Pope Francis' views out of a front-page story from the Associated Press on the Iran nuclear treaty. Here is what is the Intelligencer dropped from the original AP report:
The international . . .
Posted in: pope franciswheeling intelligencer
Two recent films of interest
This Changes Everything
From the film's website:
Filmed over 211 shoot days in nine countries and five continents over four years, This Changes Everything is an epic attempt to re-imagine the vast challenge of climate change.
Directed by Avi Lewis, and inspired by Naomi Klein’s international non-fiction . . .
A loss is actually a win
The Intelligencer spins another one for Murray Energy
I was originally going to call this Update 2 and add it to the previous post on Murray Energy's control over the news flow in the Ohio Valley. The more research that I did, however, the more that I was bothered by the Intelligencer's willingness to print what looks like a PR release without first checking its accuracy and so I decided . . .
Posted in: murray energywheeling intelligencer
Maybe Murray Energy does own the local "newspapers"
updated September 11
When I began this blog, I joked and then later semi-joked that the real owner of the local newspapers is Murray Energy. The near-constant coverage of even the most mundane company matters, the PR releases posing as news stories, and of course, the frequent verbatim musings from corporate president Robert Murray that go unchallenged regularly . . .
Not exactly a profile in courage
Joe Manchin will vote against the agreement with Iran
Senator Joe Manchin announced yesterday that:
. . . . he will oppose the nuclear deal with Iran.
Manchin says Tuesday the Iranian regime has shown no signs of changing its behavior and the deal involving world power does "nothing to guarantee that behavior changes."
For months Manchin had . . .
Posted in: iranjoe manchinwheeling intelligencer