Balloons, Republicans, guns, and scapegoats
It’s been a tough week for spy balloons and the Republican search for a scapegoat
The Chinese spy balloon, and what to do about it, became a major story earlier this week. A number of online Republicans were especially worried about it. Some of them believed that individual citizens should personally take care of the balloon rather than waiting for the government to act. Here’s Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor . . .
Sometimes slopes are very slippery!
Nazi homeschooling goes beyond even my worst-case scenario
Grammarly tells us that “the slippery slope fallacy is a logical fallacy that claims one event or action will lead to another, more extreme event or action.” It’s a common fallacy in arguments, especially (it seems to me), when we sense we are losing and desperation sets in: “next thing you know, they’ll be (fill in with something outrageous . . .
New study: renewables are now cheaper than coal
Does it matter in West Virginia where coal is still “king”?
The Guardian reports the results from a new study:
US renewable energy farms outstrip 99% of coal plants economically – study
— Guardian news (@guardiannews) January 30, 2023
From that article:
Coal in the US is now being economically outmatched by renewables to such an extent that it’s . . .
Watching the WV legislature
January 30, 2023
From Delegate Joey Garcia (D-Marion):
Republican Red Meat Monday in the WV House Judiciary Committee.
— Joey Garcia (@JoeyGarciaWV) January 28, 2023
The first deals with credit card tracking of gun sales. The second is a solution in search of a problem and the third deals with banning gender . . .
Posted in: wv legislature
Social Security, Medicare, and Joe Manchin
Earlier today, West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin was on CNN:
Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin tells CNN's @kaitlancollins that House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has agreed to leave Medicare and Social Security cuts off the table in debt ceiling negotiations.
— CNN (@CNN) January 27, 2023
(Manchin said the . . .
Your West Virginia legislature at work
1/25/2023 update
Solutions in search of a problem
Getting rid of adult video stores:
Another gem has dropped.#wvpol
— Logan (@theloganspeaks) January 23, 2023
Are there any adult video stores/arcades left in West Virginia? If there are, won’t Senator Capito’s initiative to bring broadband to everyone solve . . .
What have West Virginia’s representatives been doing lately? (with 1/24 update)
Don’t expect our local Ogden Newspaper to cover any of this; they have more important “news” to cover
Alex Mooney
Mooney takes the extreme position on abortion:
I am honored to once again be the lead sponsor of the Life at Conception Act, which simply defines human life as beginning at the moment of conception. As a result, preborn babies are entitled to legal protection under the Constitution. #ProLife . . .