Congressman David B. McKinley's Legislative Update
A part of the Congressional Incumbency Protection Program
Congressman David McKinley's most recent "Legislative Update" arrived a few days ago. Here is what I wrote about his last update back at the end of 2014:
If you live in WV’s 1st Congressional District you probably received in the mail Congressman David McKinley’s glossy end-of-the-year report which is mostly a . . .
Posted in: david mckinleyfranking
That's odd -- it's a Murray Energy story but I didn't see it in the local "newspapers" (updated 10/21)
Murray Energy to pay $5000 fine for election violations
WASHINGTON, D. C. - Ohio-based Murray Energy has agreed to pay the Federal Election Commission a $5,000 penalty for failing to put disclosures on anti-Obama signs it distributed to employees before the 2012 election to show the signs were paid for by the company.
According to the election commission, . . .
Posted in: murray energy
Major corporations make climate change pledges (a follow-up to an earlier post)
because "business and climate change can go hand-in-hand"
I wrote about this back on September 24. Here is some follow-up from today's Think Progress:
President Obama hosted a roundtable for CEOs from five Fortune 500 companies and five supply chain companies on Monday, as part of the White House’s Act on Climate Initiative, which urges businesses to make carbon-reduction pledges . . .
Posted in: climate change
Blaming Obama for West Virginia's drug problem
Has the Wheeling News-Register reached a new low?
From yesterday's editorial in the Wheeling News-Register:
It may be that some of the drug addicts President Barack Obama hears about when he visits West Virginia on Wednesday began using cocaine, heroin, pain pills or other controlled substances because of action by his administration.
We do not engage lightly in such . . .
Posted in: obamawheeling news-register
Chutzpah and hypocrisy
Michael Myer's Saturday morning column
Mike Myer to moderate a Democratic debate? What was Wheeling Jesuit thinking?
Mike Myer tells us in his Saturday column that Wheeling Jesuit University is interested in holding a debate for Democratic gubernatorial candidates and he has been asked to moderate it. Mike Myer as the questioner at a Democratic debate? Are you kidding me? . . .
Posted in: jim justicemichael myershelley moore capito
The Intelligencer covers the Blankenship trial (barely)
As always, keeping us informed
For all the coverage that all-things-related-to-coal gets in the local "newspapers" you would think that they would be giving us daily front-page coverage of what is probably the most important West Virginia trial in decades. Not so. If you want to know what's happening in the Blankenship trial my advice is to go elsewhere. . . .
Posted in: blankenship trialwheeling newspapers
Misinterpreting Deaton
The News-Register distorts a Nobel winner's economic ideas
The Nobel prize in economics was given to Angus Deaton of Princeton University and on Monday the Associated Press wrote about him and why he won the award. Without printing the original AP story or, for that matter, any story on the prize, the Wheeling News-Register on Wednesday afternoon editorialized about what Deaton had concluded. (As the . . .
Posted in: povertywheeling news-register