Ryan Ferns named to Kasich's election team
Intelligencer and News-Register favorite should make a big difference in Kasich's grassroots support
Breaking news from the front page of today's Intelligencer:
Ohio Gov. John Kasich has named West Virginia Sen. Ryan Ferns to lead grassroots efforts to build support for his 2016 presidential bid in the Mountain State.
Great! Ferns has been a long-time supporter and this should put Kasich over-the-top in West . . .
Posted in: john kasichryan ferns
Intelligencer alters today's AP story on the Clean Water bill
Just wondering - does the Intelligencer have a code of ethics?
This morning's Intelligencer features a front-page story from the Associated Press on Clean Water Bill. The original AP article barely mentions Senator Joe Manchin and it apparently wasn't anti-EPA enough for the Intelligencer and so they changed it:
First, the "newspaper" added a Manchin picture and then added a . . .
Another evidence-free editorial on the Clean Power Plan
the repeat, repeat, repeat strategy of persuasion
Last Thusday evening, Wheeling Jesuit University's Appalachian Institute presented a program entitled “Speaking Truth to Power.” One of the two speakers, James Von Nostrand, who is director of the Center for Energy and Sustainable Development at WVU, discussed the various ways in which WV could deal with the Clean Power Plan. After . . .
Reporting test scores
Another "fair and balanced" article from a Wheeling "newspaper"
Here is the headline from yesterday's News-Register front-page article:
Northern Panhandle Schools Flunk Test
And here's the lede:
. . .Northern Panhandle public school districts fared poorly on West Virginia's Smarter Balanced Assessment Test, a review by the Sunday News-Register indicates.
The Intelligencer and government PR
Criticizing the EPA
This morning's lead editorial, "EPA Spends Big to Improve Image," based upon info from Fox News and the Washington Free Beacon, appears to be blaming the EPA for wasting money. I'm not sure, however.
A couple of reactions:
The editorial says that the EPA is breaking the . . .
Posted in: epaepa prwheeling intelligencer
Additional evidence that the "war on coal" is over
Charles Patton, the president of WV's largest electric utility - Appalachian Power, spoke yesterday at the state Energy Summit. David Gutman in this morning's Gazette-Mail reported what Patton said (emphasis is mine):
Coal consumption is not likely to increase, regardless of whether new federal regulations on power . . .
Morrisey watch 12
dealing with WV's drug problem
Amid all the "blame-Obama for drugs" hoopla that we got last week from state Republicans and our local "newspapers," none of the finger-pointers wanted to mention, let alone blame, the drug companies and their distributors for shipping pain pills into southern West Virginia in numbers that far exceeded the demand. At the . . .