WV polling and endorsements
Public Policy Polling released a new West Virginia poll yesterday. Here are some results and commentary from PPP:
Republican presidential
PPP's new West Virginia poll finds it's likely to just keep Donald Trump's recent streak of dominant victories right on going. Trump leads in the state . . .
Posted in: bernie sandersbill colebooth goodwindemocratic presidential candidatesdonald trumphillary clintonjeff kesslerjim justicejoe manchinjohn kasichrepublican presidential candidatesshelley moore capitowv politics
Democrats follow WV Republicans into the voting booth and force them to vote for Donald Trump
Worse than Obama "death panels"
Here's the conclusion of the lead editorial, " Democrats Have Selves to Blame," in this morning's Wheeling Intelligencer that blames Democrats for the rise of Donald Trump:
It is those Democrats in the Senate who set the stage for Trump's rise. For all their criticism and condemnation of the Republican . . .
Changing the narrative
More on the mine closure
On most days I read the paper version of the morning Intelligencer and later look at the online edition of the afternoon News-Register. While the headlines may change, the stories are frequently the same.
The important story about the closing of the Powhatan No. 6 coal mine, first run in yesterday's News-Register and then . . .
Murray Energy to close a union mine
As usual, it's all Obama's fault
The afternoon Wheeling News-Register is reporting that Murray Energy will close the No. 6 Powhatan mine in November:
Murray Energy Corp. spokesman Gary Broadbent this morning confirmed the Powhatan No. 6 Mine will close in November, likely leaving about 430 coal miners unemployed.
Powhatan No. 6 Mine, represented . . .
A WV trivia question: who is Keith Judd ?
Hint: His claim to fame occurred in 2012
Keith Judd, who got 41% of the Democratic presidential primary vote four years ago against President Obama, is back for another try. First, however, he had to get permission from his probation officer. As the AP reported:
Now after 15 years in prison, Judd, 57, is a free man, and he is improvising another run for president. His . . .
To mix some metaphors: Karma is a dish best served when it's on the other foot
Mike Myer worries that "we may have 12 years of regret"
This is from an Intelligencer editorial last June about the new non-partisan election of judges:
Funny thing about that old business of the shoe being on the other foot. Sometimes the fit is very good.
Among long-overdue changes West Virginia legislators approved this year was one involving elections for magistrates, circuit . . .
Developments in the WV Supreme Court election
A post on the upcoming judicial election
Bringing Obama into the race
Taking advantage of the anti-Obama sentiment in the state (even if the president has nothing to do with the Supreme Court race), the Republican State Leadership Committee's Judicial Fairness Initiative is running ads that link the president to State Supreme Court candidates Bill Wooten and Darrell . . .
Posted in: beth walkerbrent benjamindarrell mcgrawmoney in politicsobamaright-to-workwheeling newspaperswv supreme court judges