WV Democrats call for changes
Vote to end superdelegates and remove Debbie Wasserman Shultz
West Virginia Democrats made news this past weekend at their state convention:
West Virginia Democrats joined in on a call to end the role of unbound superdelegates in the Democratic primary process and also showed support for the resignation of Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
. . .
Coal bankruptcies and environmental clean-up
There have been a number of national articles and columns this week that focused on the clean-up costs related to recent coal company bankruptcies.
On Monday, The New York Times discussed the problem:
West Virginia faces perhaps the greatest fallout from the flood of coal bankruptcies that have hit the courts in the . . .
WV's senators on national politics
Senator Capito
On Wednesday, Senator Capito was asked by CNN if she still supported Donald Trump for president. CNN reports:
West Virginia GOP Sen. Shelley Moore Capito told reporters she "strongly disagrees" with Trump's comments, but said she still backed him as the GOP nominee.
I wonder . . .
Posted in: joe manchinshelley moore capito
The Wheeling "newspapers" astroturf their readers
(It wasn't the first time and it probably won't be the last)
I've written about "astroturfing" a couple of times. Here's how I explained it back in 2014:
The Online Slang Dictionary defines astroturfing as "the creation of lobbying groups that appear to be separate from corporate interests, but that are actually funded by them. As opposed to "grassroots" . . .
A tale of two cities and their newspapers
Covering gubernatorial candidate Cole's fundraisers in Charleston and Wheeling
Mark Pence, governor of Indiana, was in West Virginia yesterday in order to attend fundraisers for Republican gubernatorial candidate Bill Cole in Charleston and possibly Wheeling. Governor Mike Bevin of Kentucky was also supposed to be in Wheeling.
Here are some questions about these events with the answers based upon today's . . .
Documenting the locals' anti-Clinton agenda 3
The front page of this morning's Intelligencer carried about 80% of the AP article on the likelihood that Hillary Clinton would win the Democratic Party's nomination.
On the editorial page, however, it was business as usual as we got Patrick Buchanan's anti-Hillary column from last Thursday. I'm sometimes amazed that . . .
Reading the Sunday opinion section
Some things are predictable
Blame it on Obama
The opinion section of the Sunday News-Register is not complete until something is blamed on the Obama Administration. Today's lead editorial meets the requirement by affixing blame for the Boone County school system's fiscal crisis on the president:
Don't blame Boone County school . . .
Posted in: david mckinleynews-register editorialobama