The Wheeling Alternative
Exploring the connection between West Virginia's floods and climate change
Okay, climate and weather are different but climate obviously has a long-range effect on the weather. During and after the flooding which consumed large parts of West Virginia last month, a number of sources explored the connection between climate change and the incredible amounts of rainfall that fell on a large percentage of our . . .
Posted in: climate changemountaintop removal
Another contemptible editorial
With no proof, we are told that Hillary Clinton wants to "scrap the Second Amendment"
Here is the key paragraph from this morning's editorial:
Clinton has been accused of wanting to scrap the Second Amendment entirely.
Accused by whom? The NRA? How about just one source as evidence? And couldn't we see just one Clinton quotation that indicates that she wants to "scrap the Second . . .
Explaining the possible Murray Energy layoffs
You get different information and emphasis depending upon the source
The Wheeling Intelligencer rewrites the Murray Energy press release
On Saturday morning, reporter Casey Junkins explained the possibility of layoffs at Murray Energy:
Murray Energy Corp. indicated Friday it may cut 4,400 more jobs by September — a move that would leave the company that employed 8,400 in May of 2015 with . . .
Posted in: coalmurray energyrobert murraywar on coal
Illegal immigration
The Intelligencer cherry-picks and distorts the facts in order to support Donald Trump
Is the problem of illegal immigration getting worse? Yes, according to this morning's Intelligencer editorial:
With the federal fiscal year only slightly more than two-thirds over, the number of illegal immigrant families coming into the United States already is higher than for all of FY 2015, according to published reports. . . .
Posted in: immigrationintelligencer editorial
Mission Impossible?
Turn Republican Bill Cole into an "outsider"
Apparently, Mike Myer accepted the mission. Here this morning's column:
. . .Now, anyone who knows Cole understands he’s an outsider, too. He is not a career politician. He didn’t take office until May 2010 when, ironically enough, then-Gov. Joe Manchin appointed him to fill a vacancy in the House of Delegates.
Posted in: bill colemike myerwv governor race
More on the cost of electricity and electing Trump
Some additional voices
Wednesday's Intelligencer editorial (see post below) asserted a couple of points: the cost of electricity has risen dramatically since Obama became president, it would become worse under a Clinton presidency, and our only hope to prevent $1000 a month electric bills is to elect Donald Trump. I did a bit more research today and found a . . .
Statistics don't lie but . . . .
Some geeky stuff on the cost of electricity
It's time for another anti-Hillary editorial. It meets all of the criteria:
What makes it somewhat different is the emphasis on the use of statistics (one verifiable but the rest not) to support the editorial point that electricity prices have risen dramatically since the beginning of the Obama presidency and will rise . . .
Posted in: anti-clinton biasdonald trumpelectricity costshillary clintonintelligencer editorialobamawar on coal