Documenting the locals' anti-Clinton agenda 7
Is Hillary Clinton scared of West Virginia? Mike Myer explains why as he preaches to the choir
In today's column, Mike Myer tells us that Hillary Clinton is "scared of West Virginia." Why?
Here’s what may be going on: West Virginians, our coal miners in particular, are poster children in a very negative way for Clinton. Like so many liberal politicians, her bread and butter is claiming she stands up for the little guy.
We’re proof that isn’t so. When the little guy gets in the way of an ultra-liberal campaign, he can expect to be crushed under the big government boot. Or, as V.I. Lenin allegedly put it once upon being asked about the terrible human suffering communism had inflicted upon Russians, “If you want to make an omelette, you have to be willing to break a few eggs.”
"Ultra-liberal" and Lenin in the same paragraph -- a nice touch except that the omelet quote did not originate with Lenin nor is there any record that he ever used it. (Here's a source that documents the origins and uses of the quote.)
Regular Myer readers know what's next:
Clinton even boasted about it earlier this year, pledging that if elected, she was going to put a lot of coal miners out of work.
(In fairness to Myer, it's an anti-Clinton column and the Clinton quote or a reference to it is required.)
Myer eventually explains why Clinton should be worried:
Maybe that’s what the Democrats fear — that sooner or later, West Virginia coal miners will get it through our neighbors’ heads that what Clinton plans is not just a war on coal, but also one on affordable electricity and the many jobs that depend on it.
Does Mike Myer really believe that the rest of America (including Fox News - see one post down) has been duped by the ultra-liberals and radical environmentalists? And that just because Capito spoke at the convention and the WV delegates got to wave pro-coal signs (and they had good seats!), things are going to change? I guess he does -- he's been writing variations on this same column over and over again for the last eight years.
Clinton also hates natural gas
Today's lead editorial, "Clinton Targets Natural Gas, Too," completes the trifecta - combined with Myer's column and an editorial cartoon, it makes half of the page totally anti-Clinton. The editorial writer doesn't like that the Democratic platform actually believes that the cost of an energy source ought to reflect its ultimate cost to society:
“Democrats believe that carbon dioxide, methane and other greenhouse gases should be priced to reflect their negative externalities,” the platform reads. Translation: Clinton and company will do all in their power to increase the price of producing and consuming natural gas. Obama’s administration already has begun the process.
Here's my translation: The Democrats believes that an energy source's ultimate cost to society should be built into its price.
Again, it's more of the same until the bizarre last paragraph when we get an unrelated paragraph about emails:
But Clinton and her party’s officials can be even more brutal in their private communications about the issues, as we know from recent events. That may lead some to wonder about the nature of a whole different class of emails . . .
(Note -- that's how the editorial ends.)
Emails? Huh? What are they suggesting? Are they echoing Donald Trump who wants the Russians to break into the Democratic email server?