Documenting the locals' anti-Clinton agenda 9
You can't miss it - it's at the top of today's Intelligencer front page. Yes, in a font size worthy of the end of a world war, the death of a president, or David McKinley speaking to a veteran's group, we learn:
FBI Holding Hillary’s Emails on Benghazi
The Associated Press article that follows tells . . .
Documenting the locals' anti-Clinton agenda 8
Does our "newspapers' " silence about Trump's racism, sexism, nativism and refusal to release his tax returns mean that they agree with him?
In looking at the last five days of Intelligencer and News-Register editorial pages in one sitting, it's not hard to see a pattern:
CLINTON --14 editorials and columns, all negative
Thursday editorials:
Clinton is Tardy in Ethics Concern
Clinton Probe Was Ended Prematurely
Crooked Politics . . .
“All that the people require in order to arrive at proper conclusions is light and information.”
And the Intelligencer provides neither
It's the Intelligencer's anniversary and so it's time for them to tell us how great they are. Here are the two highlights from their annual self-congratulatory editorial:
Now more than ever, The Intelligencer strives to be the reliable, accurate provider of information for our readers.
As Monday's . . .
Now that the lie is in place, the locals will reference it again and again
That didn't take long
The first extended analysis of a Mike Myer column that I did for my old blog was back in March of 2014. Myer had claimed an unnamed industry analyst (my hunch was that it was a Murray Energy employee) had told him that China was not the biggest importer of U.S. coal, Germany was. I found that difficult to believe given the country's . . .
Posted in: coalelectricity costsethical journalismmichael myernews-register editorialwheeling newspaper ethics
Propagandizing for the fossil fuel industry
The Intelligencer cherry-picks and misrepresents the Harvard study on the cost of miners transitioning to solar
Back on August 10 I blogged about a new study from the Harvard Business Review that looked at the cost of retraining coal miners to work in solar energy. I quoted the study's conclusion:
The results of the study show that a relatively minor investment ($180 million to $1.8 billion, based on best and worst case scenarios) in . . .
Nothing new but that doesn't matter - it's Bill Cole's plan
Reviewing this week's "Cole for Governor" editorial
Yes, this morning's "newspaper" gives us yet another editorial (I think it's now a Sunday requirement) telling us what a great governor Bill Cole would be. This time we learn about his "plan to battle the drug abuse epidemic in West Virginia."
In the editorial's third sentence, we learn that Cole . . .
Morrisey watch 18
Yet another front-page "news" story to help his re-election campaign (updated August 21)
For the second day in a row, this morning's Intelligencer gave front-page coverage to Patrick Morrisey, who is up for re-election to attorney general. On Thursday, AG Morrisey visited the area and yesterday's top-of-the-page headline proclaimed that he was working to curb drugs! (See next post down.) Today's front-page story tells . . .