The Wheeling Alternative
Justice still leads in latest MetroNews poll
With results that are similar to their first poll, MetroNews released the results of their governor's poll earlier today:
Less than three weeks until Election Day, Greenbrier owner Jim Justice still has a double-digit lead in the governor’s race over Senate President Bill Cole, according to the MetroNews West Virginia Poll . . .
Posted in: bill colejim justicepolls
Catching up
After reading a number of out-of-town newspapers for a week, I caught up on a week's worth of the Intelligencer earlier today.
The contrast was stark -- most notably on national news coverage. I've always been bothered by the lack of national news in our local papers and consequently I use the internet and . . .
Reading about WV
"Like giving the middle finger to the rest of the country"
This week's New Yorker has a long "reporter at large" article titled "In the Heart of Trump Country" by Larissa MacFarquhar. The reporter spent time in Logan County and she tries to answer the question:
West Virginia used to vote solidly Democratic. Now it belongs to Trump. What happened?
. . .
Posted in: donald trumpwv stereotype
Watching the West Virginia debate for governor 2
Yes, I watched the governor's debate. (Although I will confess to switching from time to time to see how the Nationals/Dodgers game was going.) This debate was not much different from the first. Neither candidate impressed me although Cole at least answered more of the questions put to him. Hoppy Kercheval was the moderator and I thought, . . .
Posted in: bill colejim justicewv governor race
Unintended irony on the editorial pages
Documenting the locals' anti-Clinton agenda 15
Criticizing Trump?! (No, it's an excuse to criticize Bill Clinton.)
The first local editorial that contains any criticism of Donald Trump was published yesterday afternoon. Despite attacks on war heroes, women, Muslims, the handicapped, Mexicans, immigrants, and inner-city residents, neither paper has ever had a negative word to . . .
Fact checking the 2nd presidential debate
Media fact checking of speeches and debates by national news sources is increasing -- most national events which feature speakers now garner multiple news sources checking the accuracy of the speaker or debaters. To the detriment of local readers, however, I can remember only a few times when a Wheeling "newspaper" published one of . . .
No "light of information" on Trump or Hurricane Matthew
The Intelligencer once again fails its readership
On August 24, the Wheeling Intelligencer used the anniversary of its founding to once again tell its readers why the Intelligencer is so important to the Ohio Valley:
Now more than ever, The Intelligencer strives to be the reliable, accurate provider of information for our readers. The so-called “Information Age” often resembles . . .