The Wheeling Alternative
Manchin decides to stay in Senate (as if he had a choice)
Trump chooses others even after Manchin does karaoke version of "Ain't Too Proud to Beg" for cabinet positions
From the Washington Post:
“I was humbled to be considered for the Secretary of Energy position,” the senator said in a statement. “I have dedicated my life in public service to doing what is best for the people of West Virginia. Right now, I believe that I can best serve my state of West Virginia in the United States Senate.”
. . .
Posted in: joe manchin
Making editorial space for favorites
David McKinley -- credit where credit isn't due
With Veteran's Day over for photo-ops and no additional fake awards to receive, our local representative hasn't gotten much local ink lately. Today's editorial, "McKinley Deserves Credit on Coal Ash," attempts to rectify that with a 300 word editorial praising . . .
“I used to be an agitator, then an activist, now I am a hellraiser.”
Ken Hechler after being arrested for protesting mountaintop removal in 2009
As the Charleston Gazette-Mail reports:
Ken Hechler, whose life spanned more than a full century and whose political career lasted more than six decades, stretching from the White House to Congress to the West Virginia secretary of state’s office, died Saturday, according to friends. He was 102 years old. . . .
In . . .
The Intelligencer weighs in on the miner health and pension bill
We can't blame McConnell, he's a Republican!
From the conclusion of this morning's Intelligencer editorial:
That is politics at its worst. It appears the only way the mine retirees will get the immediate assistance is for lawmakers to go along with the McConnell plan or something like it. That being the situation, those resisting the idea will deserve all the blame if . . .
Fighting the Appalachian stereotype and poverty porn
I've linked to Daily Yonder previously (most notably here). The site looks at rural and small-town America in a refreshing (non-stereotypical) way. It recently carried an interesting article on a national news network's attempt to get help from an Appalachian non-profit for a pre-election story on Appalachia. Aaron Phelps explains:
. . .Posted in: appalachian sterotypepoverty porn
Is Senator Joe Manchin going to switch parties?
Enquiring minds want to know
West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin keeps getting asked if he is going to switch parties. From an interview in the Washington Examiner:
Joe Manchin said not a day goes by that someone doesn't ask him if he wants to switch from Democrat to Republican.
Every day? "Every day," he answers.
Hey, Joe, . . .
Posted in: joe manchin
Rounding up the usual suspects
Blaming liberals for conservative criticism of Trump
The local "newspapers" have come a long way on Donald Trump. They've moved from virtually ignoring him and his more outrageous statements, to blaming Democrats for his existence, to emphasizing his pro-coal agenda, and finally, to their current position -- defending him and his actions. The problem for them is that . . .