Senator Joe gets a primary opponent
"Vote me out! I'm not changing."
As Politico described back in February:
The conference call, which involved several political activists, was recorded by one of the activists, and Manchin can be heard responding to various questions and challenges.
But as the town hall conversation got chippy — and activists on the call brought up points of disagreement . . .
Posted in: joe manchinpaula swearengin
The Intelligencer returns to its old ways
The paper drops a critical paragraph from a front page AP story and publishes yet another editorial attacking the Clintons
More than just food stamps
This morning's paper carried a front page AP story about how Trump's upcoming budget would be unpopular with many people. The Intelligencer's headline made it appear that the cuts were just connected to the food stamp program:
. . .Cuts to Food Stamps Part of Budget Proposal
The missing picture from this afternoon's editorial
News-Register tells us that Trump's message to the Saudi's was clear: "Americans do not agree with discrimination against women."
President Trump, Saudi King Salman and friends attending the men-only Toby Keith concert in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
(Source: The Hill with picture source: Getty Images)
Posted in: dumbest editorial awardnews-register editorialtrump presidencywheeling newspaper hypocricy
More on WTOV's owner - Sinclair Broadcasting
Is Trump TV on its way?
A week ago I wrote an extended post on Sinclair Broadcasting Group's attempts to dominate local television news. (WTOV in Steubenville is a Sinclair-owned station.) Here are a couple of additional articles.
The New York Times continued its coverage of Sinclair with a report on Sinclair's requirement that local stations run . . .
Posted in: sinclair broadcastingwtov
The locals give us yesterday's news -- tomorrow
And in the process abandon journalistic ideals like objectivity and balance
An important story about President Trump, former FBI Director James Comey, and the investigation into National Security broke yesterday afternoon. Here's the headline at 6:22 PM last evening for the first AP story that I could find on the subject:
AP source: Comey wrote in memo that President Donald Trump asked him to end . . .
Intelligencer coverage of the Trump presidency
Still keeping its readers uninformed or ill-informed
As could be expected given its importance, major U.S. newspapers made Trump's divulging of top secret and highly-classified information their top story. As currently demonstrates, the Trump story is at the top of the front page and it is the headline with the largest font on each of the five newspapers featured at the top of . . .
Rep. McKinley makes up stuff about the American Health Care Act
And WV Public Broadcasting's Scott Finn lets him get away with it
On Friday, local congressman David McKinley did an extended interview with Scott Finn of West Virginia Public Broadcasting. (The article about the interview says that coverage of the 21+ minute interview was part of this morning's newscast.) Most of the interview (which you can listen to here) dealt with the recently-passed American . . .